Black Friday shopping

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Grammie, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    Okay who went and did ya get good bargains. I went for the first time in years got alot of good stuff.
  2. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    Do I dare go to White Oak? There is a dog bed at Pet Smart I want, but I am scared of crowds.
  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I remember going at White Oak last year the day before Christmas, and the worst part was the parking lot! Just maneuvering in and out of the roads was horrible! I would think today would be about the same way. I wouldn't recommend going with kids if they're anything like mine!
  4. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    Went to White Oak it was fine
  5. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    Well, what I really wanted was on sale at Game Stop...they opened at 7 so I got there at 3:30: no line so I joined the line for Kohl's.

    (For the 50 or so folks who thought waiting in the line was not good enough for them and felt they had to "rush" the door when it opened, GROW UP! You know cutting in line is wrong. For those of you who had your kids with you when you tried this - the manager outwitted you by only having one door open, and those of us patiently waiting in line refused to let you push your way in - do you realize the lesson you have just taught your kids???????)

    After Kohl's, still no line at GS so I went to get the one item I needed from Dick's, walked to McD's, ate breakfast, visited Best Buy but left almost immediately. I ended up being first in line at GS and got what I wanted!!!!!!! (Now that the kids have left the was the Wii Fit! Yeah! I finally found one!

    (To the woman who came at 7, joined the end of the line with 2 kids but sent the 8 year old to cut in front of me, get real! I told your child to get at the end of the line, she still tried to push me aside and the manager had to send her away. Let your child wait in line like she is supposed to!)

    Target was next, then Lowe's...then the annex....everything is now wrapped and done! (Except for the one thing ordered online!!!!!!!)
  6. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    If you don't want to deal with White Oak, try and see if there is a Pet Smart in Knightdale. I'm thinking there is one. I do know there is a Pet Store near the new Dick's and Best Buy (which is in the plaza with Target). I took the back roads this a.m. to get over that way this morning to pick up a friend to head to Triangle and there was no crowds at the stores.

    I got a few deals - hit Archivers first thing - 3rd one in the store; got my fix there and went into the mall - PacSun had everything off 30% until 1:00 today so I picked up a pair of jeans for my son for cheap. The one thing I did notice when I was at Aeropostle today was that there were a lot of 50% off things. I didn't buy anything there because I noticed that a sweater (same style) that I bought my niece last year that I paid less than $15 was marked $44 and then 1/2 off that; to me it looked like the store jacked the prices up and put a 50% sale sign up to make it look like a good deal.
  7. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    I did it! Within an hour, I had my pet bed, gassed up at BJ's and bought some garland for the tree at Michaels. Nobody was hurt!! :mrgreen:
  8. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    You couldn't pay me to go shopping today. Last night on the news they showed people lined up that had been there since 3:30am! CRAZY! What a way to spend Thanksgiving!
  9. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    My mom and sister went out yesterday I had to work. I called them to see how they were doing and they were having a blast. Now they weren't one of the ones waiting and shoving..but they did find some good deals and where happy with what they found. Of course they won't tell me nothing. Like I'm going to tell anyone what they are getting geezzzz. They got out at 6:30am and got home at 4pm. I was laughing at my mom cause she could barely walk. lol
  10. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    We hit Crabtree at 5:00 AM, small crowds, big savings!! Belks alone was worth the trip and when Bath & Body opened at 7:00, they had HUGE deals. I added up what I saved and compared it against what I spent (with my coupons) and I actually saved more than I spent!! By 9:00 we were done with Crabtree and headed to Kohls. Kohls at 9:30 was a mad house. The line was from the front check out, all the way thru the store almost to the back of the store at the kids department. And all registers were open! No way I was going to wait in that line! I'll just go back later, they had some killer sales but not worth that kind of wait in line for me.... But it was fun and lots of savings!
  11. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    My wife (bless her heart) went to Wal-Mart and got in line at 4:00am so she could get the deal on the X-Box 360 for the boys. $199 for the console, onw controller, one extra game and Guitar Hero III included. I figured that was a pretty good deal. This is the second time in 15 years she has done this. She swears she will never do it again. If I did not have to work on Friday, I would have been the one there! YIKES! She said people were trying to cut in line and some succeeded. She got upset when no one would say anything to them so she asked the person ahead and behind her to hold her place quickly while SHE helped police the line. My wife may be small but she's determined! :p
  12. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    I didn't go this year because I have to work. But I did mostly online shopping and it was so easy, no hassle, bustle, and hard to find parking!
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Seriously, we must have been just a few feet away from each other.

    Re: Kohl's

    You people have got to be kidding me. Just find the back of the line and go to it. If you can't get up in the middle of the night like the rest of us, then you deserve to miss the deal. Some of you were still piling in, after I'd been into the store, found the two things I came to get, and checked out.

    Re: People bringing their babies out to shop at 3am

    My DH said, well, maybe they didn't have a sitter? And I said, well, maybe they should have kept their arses home. You deserve parent of the year award! Way to go! For a $30 MP3 player, you bring out your 18 month old at 3am on a night when the temperature is 31 degrees! Awesome!
  14. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Didn't shop......played golf instead.

  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

    yeah Eagle Ridge was slow wed afternoon, finished in the dark.

    Keith hills was smooth and quick on Friday.
  16. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Was uneventful At Zebulon Country Club on Friday as well. Teed off about 9am and was done about 12:30

  17. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I was at tiger direct at 5:15
    They were out of what I went for in fifteen minute - but i got a better product - it was crazy - shopped fridat, sat and sunday and i am still not DONE!!!AAARRRGGHHH
  18. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    I know I’m a little bit late but this "gettin up at 2AM to catch a sale" thing has got me baffled. Now I know most of ya’ll think a redneck like me has no clue but hear me out fer a minute. Just because I still wear a beeper and I use a pair of pliers to turn the channel knob on my color tv don’t mean I don’t know a thing or two about purchasing high ticket items. But I just don’t see why folks rush to sit in line at the crack of dawn to try and buy something that the store only has 3 in stock.

    Somebody says they’re gonna have a couple IPhones in the store 10% off and folks will rush over there quicker than a tadpole in a blender. I seen dudes sleeping in the parking lot of these stores waiting fer the store man to turn the lights on. They was even blocking the entrance to the 7-11, hindering me from obtaining my much needed 4 A.M. pack of AA’s, cheese whiz, and fix-a-flat.

    All that for a cell phone, camera, and internet tv that you can stick in yer pocket; I don’t get it. “Oh but Rich”, you say, “think about how much we're saving on an already tight budget, yada yada.” We’ll I’ll think about it while I'm sitting at home eating cheese whiz coated crackers and watching ya’lls hind parts on tv fist fightin for a piece of the latest blue light special.

    Anyway, that just a redneck perspective... no harm no foul. You ladies that went anyway, you know ole Rich is just messing with ya!
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Rich, you will enjoy this fight over an X Box then, hell I am throwing empty boxes out all the time, they don't need to fight over them. :jester:

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