I will not be going out, did everything online this year. I was at BestBuy, about 2pm on Wed, yes Wed, and about 5 or so people were already in a line outside with chairs waiting.
Crazy, this is why I avoid stores on black friday! :x http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local...worker_dies_at_long_island_walmart_after.html
Crazy & sad. NO ITEM is worth busting down doors and trampling people. Stories like this only prove to me that the spirit of the holiday has truly been lost. Whether you say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Hannukah, Kwanza... whatever - it's not all about the "stuff".
I stayed in my nice warm bed this AM, got out and picked up a few things before lunch. No muss, no fuss and now I'm back home. I didn't do the crazy morning thing this year and I'm glad! I hope they charge those crazy shoppers in NY with a crime. That is insane!