What are you buying your kids for Christmas?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cathy0517, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    We might be in a recession, but it doesn't show it in the stores today (especially Walmart!). I think I've finished for the middle one, got him 2 DS games today, Cars racing game and Mario Party, hope he likes them! Got the little one a soccer ball and another Diego toy. Everywhere I go, there's Disney and Dora everything, but NO DIEGO!! I think I'm gonna write to my congressman!! And still stuck on what to get the big one, thinking maybe a digital camera (not too expensive though). And got some stocking stuffers, but not sure about that stuff either, I'm really stuck on what to get the kids this year...they really entertain each other.
  2. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    It sounds like from this post and your other post about the new Wii, you've gotten them more than enough. A digital camera?? My 8 yr. old would probably have the lens all scratched from being rough with it. Go buy your 8 yr old a couple of kodak disposable cameras. We bought our 8 yr old a playstation 2 this year finally. He's had a gameboy for a long time and we decided to go ahead and finally get him a real video game system. However, I rather see my son outside playing with a soccerball, football, basketball like he already loves to do instead of playing video games but we will put a limit to the amount of time he's on it.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Preachy much?? Who are you to decide how much is enough for someone else to buy their own children? :?

    I bought my son a cheap digital camera/video recorder last year and he LOVED it and it's still in pristine condition. Not all kids are destructive with their things, especially if you teach them the right way to handle them. He's getting an upgraded one DH found on clearance somewhere and I'm sure he will be thrilled with it. 8)
  4. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I didn't buy my kids a wii for Xmas, not sure who you're talking about. And my 8 yo already has a digital camera that he's had for a few years, but it's one of those kid ones they first came out with, and it doesn't take great pictures, so I'm thinking of getting him a nicer one. And I'm talking a cheap $20 one, not an expensive one. And it will be put up like the other one was, he won't be "playing" with it.
  5. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest


    my mom is getting my 5 year old a kids digital camera this year to take to Disney :) I can't wait. We are still in search of things to get ds still dont have much: Bike, scooter, helmet, books, matchbox cars, fire helmet, candyland, caterpillar toys, and a couple dvd's.. He didnt ask for much and still doesnt want much.. oh yeah a football!
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I know! I'm having to rein DH in this year, since DS isn't asking for anything in particular, he's wanting to buy him everthing, LOL...... So far, it's the camera, a couple video games, he'll be getting a new bike and possibly a soccer goal to practice with and some crazy expensive Star Wars thing (not sure whether that one is really for DS...........or DH, LOL).

    And before some other smarty pants says my kid spends too much time in front of a screen, he's also a cub scout, plays sports and goes outside A LOT. Oh, and he's a straight A student and an all around great little kid who'd give you the shirt off his back. So any negative Nancy's can keep their opinions on what I choose to buy to themselves.
  7. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    haha, ds still isnt into video games, I thought about a portable cd player or a mp3 player so he will have it for the drive to disney in May, we are taking the dvd player but that may get old.
  8. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    I'm not the preachy one....you are. I did not tell that mom that she should stop buying for her kid. It sounded like, to me , from her previous post and the other one, that she had gotten her kids a good amount of stuff. She said she was having a tough time on what to get her kids this year and I said it sounds like she has gotten enough. I DID NOT tell her she has bought too much or told her to stop buying. I don't give a hoot if she buys her kids the entire Wal-Mart toy section or if you do for that matter!!
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    You said "you've gotten them more than enough", go back and read your own post. And then your little comment about preferring to see your kids outside playing rather than playing vidoe games and questioning the wisdom of a camera for an 8 year old. Perhaps you didn't mean it as preachy as it sounded. :? You also apparently have her confused with someone else, because she's already said she wasn't getting them a Wii..............not that it's anyone's business.
  10. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    I would rather see MY kids outside playing rather than playing a video game. That's right.....I said MY kids not HER kids or YOUR kids but MY kids. But I did admit that we bought my son a playstation this year. No, I didn't confuse her with someone else, I confused the Wii thing. She said she had gotten a new Wii game, not a new Wii video game system. That was where my error was. As far as questioning the wisdom......I don't give a hoot if she gives her kid a high-tech camcorder for X-mas. All I was saying is a digital camera can break easily in the hands of a little one.
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest


    Merry Christmas to all, no matter what you choose or choose not to buy your kiddos! Let's all remember the reason behind the madness and be glad we are all around to enjoy it another year.
  12. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    I agree KDC.....Have a good holiday!!!:lol:
  13. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Actually it wasn't a wii game either I bought him, it was 2 DS games. :mrgreen: And it might seem like a lot, but when you divide it between 3 kids, it's not! (I've spent less than $70 total on my little one, that's not a lot)
  14. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    DMJ- I was going by this post you put about the Wii game. We will spend a good bit on our kids too. We will be cutting back some this year on what we usually spend though, as I'm sure a lot of people are doing.
  15. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Ah yes, that was an older post, which is why I didn't know what you meant. I decided against getting the wii game. And I didn't mean the console game, I meant a game for the console, which is probably why we were both confused...
  16. cmdknw06

    cmdknw06 Well-Known Member

    Ours is spoiled and we know it and so does he.

    He's getting a new 4 wheeler...a yamaha raptor 50...i can't wait to see his face!

  17. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Geez a little grumpy yesterday, hope all is well today. 8)
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Couldn't be better, same as yesterday, but thanks for asking! :cheers:
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    By the way congratulations! :cheers:
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Thank you kind sir! :jester: I am a happy camper today!:lol:

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