Hello everyone! I know this time of year we are all bombarded with requests to help people in need, families that in turmoil or just your average Christmas Angel picked off the tree. Well, I am about to ask the 4042 family for help once again for a local family that has never held their hand out for help. They've always been self sufficient and helped others, but things happen and it's time to pay it forward if we can. Below is a short narrative of what is going on. I have *** their names out to protect their school age children. Please help if you can. I will get a wish list of sorts together and of course gift certificates to local grocery stores are always welcome. Please.... please... please... 4042 crew ... If you can I'm begging you. I know we have our Christmas Angels and I know this is extra.... but I cannot live with myself if I didn't at least try. Thanks .... MNRED :grouphug: A local family that has given much to the community are in need this Christmas season. Some of you know this family and some of you don’t. Those of you that do know that this family, know them as a good Christian family that would give the shirt of their back even in their time of need. The dad has been sick an out of work for several months now, almost a full year. He is schedule for brain surgery on December 10th. He has been denied disability twice and has no income from his previous job with a local equipment company. His doctor bills are overwhelming not to mention both of the girls (daughters) have been sick these past couple of weeks. The wife was just recently laid off from her job and they have no income what so ever coming in right now. We all know that unemployment does not pay as fast or as much as a family needs to help keep a family of 5 going. I spoke to **** last night and this family needs help!! They are about to loose their home because they’ve not been able to keep up the payment (3 months behind), the lights could be cut off any day, their pantry and frig are down to less then the bare necessities and there’s no possible way that Santa could come to their home this year. Unless good people like you lend a helping hand and could give an offering of any kind. Just a small offering could help with food, lights, co-pays for doctors, toys, clothes, pretty much anything. When I called ***** last night I interrupted a sit down conversation that she was having with her three children. They were discussing how life was hard right now but as long as they believed in the Lord and prayed not for themselves but others that the Lord would always provided. Could you imagine having to sit down with you children and telling them that there will be no Christmas this year. I know it’s hard right now for everyone. The economy is terrible, there are people being laid off left and right. Money is tight for all of us I know but if there’s anyway possible that you could help this family please contact me by phone or e-mail. They have know idea that I’m calling on you guys for help and I laid a wake all night trying to figure out a way I could help this wonderful family. If you can’t offer anything because your finances are tight then please pray for this family and the many more families that we don’t know that are in this situation. There’s a lot more detail to this story but I only have just a few minutes to share it with you. If you have questions PM me.
They have 2 girls and one boy. I am in the process of getting ages, sizes etc. I will post asap when I get them. Thank you!!!
Yes, I am .... I will PM you the info. (It's tied to my work email address so I don't want to post it .......
Here are the ages / sex of the children. I am working on getting wish lists. Thanks for anything and everything you can do!! 14 (Boy) - His passion is soccer; he wears a 10.5 men shoe, 14 boys’ pants with adj waist band, and a Medium shirt. 9 (Girl) - loves softball, the Yankee’s and horses, and she wears a 6 woman’s shoes, 12 girl’s pants with adj waist band and a Medium shirt 8 (Girl) - loves anything girly, Hannah Montana, Camp Rock, the color pink”, she wears a 5.5 woman’s shoe, 10 girls pant w/ adj waist band and a Medium shirt All three of them love crafts
What do you think about setting up some meal deliveries?? We've had this done for us in the past and it was a huge help. I definitely don't mind cooking an extra meal. My kids would love to bake desserts--LOL. SEriously though, what about meals? Do you think they'd go for that? I wouldn't mind making a meal. Anyone else? Wish I could do more but economy is just not what it used to be right now. We could take turns for maybe two to 3 weeks worth of meals. I'm sure there are about 20 of us on here that would be willing to cook one meal each. Not saying gourmet but something. Oh, have the family check to see fi their local school is doing anything. Some schools do secret santas. Let us all know about the meals please. Thanks. stephanie--mom to 7
Our family and neighbors would be delighted to help in any way. Do you know the size of each parent, as well? Also, when talking about the food...do they need everything from spices to meat? Will PM you to go into specifics. Thank you for what you are doing to help this family and for asking us to help. If the parents need some alone time please let me know. I will volunteer my teen to take the kids to a movie or something. Once again, thanks, Sherry
Calling all my cooks!!! Ha! Once the husband gets out of the hospital who is up for cooking a good meal and rotating on a schedule as Steph suggested a couple entries above? Please let me know so I can contact you and get a schedule started. Thanks!!!
Thank you Sherry. I know spices etc they have. I think they are more in need of weekly grocery items. The parents have said they are fine... they are only concerned for their kids.
I'm available to cook a meal. Just let me know the date. Thanks for organizing. you can write me at home at boydbunch@gmail.com if need be. STephanie--mom to7
No problem. I know the parents will say they are fine but depression can set in and the kids need them. We will help in any way. Cannot help with the food rotation as we don't live close but will in other ways. When I say spices I should be more specific...even ketchup, mus-My Friend and all. Anyhow, sent the PM. Sherry
Great Steph! thanks! Once I get everyone that wants to help with the meals I will get a schedule together. He goes in for surgery on the 10th and will be in the hospital for 5 days so we have some time to organize it so it goes smoothly. thank you!!
They may have already tried this option, but are there churches in the area that could help out? They wouldn't even have to belong to one necessarily. Even if you or someone else asked their church to help out. I will talk to someone to see if we have anything in place at my church to help with this sort of thing.