Pop & son on Hwy 50 in Garner. I haven't been in a couple years, but they were pricey. We used to do it, it was like $75, but always fun with the kids. Great experience.
The Christmas Tree place on Cornwallis rd. From Cleveland School Rd turn on Cornwallis go passed the Middle school, it is up on the left. They have a big sign out. Just before you get to Shiloh Rd. I have gotten a tree from them for several years. And the best thing they are only $15.00. You pick, they cut and load. Can't get any easier.
Wow, really?? The place on 50 you pick, cut and everything (well, they might load it, can't remember). That is CHEAP! Too bad we're not getting a tree this year...:cry:
We're going to be out of town that whole week before, so we just decided not to get one. We always get real ones and didn't want to leave one in the house that long while we were gone. That, and we're cheap and didn't want to spend the money on one if we didn't need it.
Yup, just bump down the dirt road and the guy in coveralls drinking from a mason jar will hook you up. :lol: