The Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Christmas in Cleveland event this Thursday, December 4th from 6-8pm. Please feel free to come out to the event held in the parking lot of the First Citizens Bank at 4042 off of Glen Rd. There will be vendors with FREE crafts and games for the kids. Our widely received toy drive is returning and Santa has asked that you bring an unwrapped toy to help our military families. A soldier from Fort Bragg will be on hand to accept the gifts and return them to the base for distribution. Santa will also be available for pictures with the kids!
We were there last year, and discussing this the other day. The photos with Santa - do they charge, do we take photos, with our own cameras, I can't remember how it worked? I hope there's hot cocoa again, that was a hit with our family, it's so cold out!!
There will be photos with santa at no charge provided by Brandi Autry photography as well as the SNS Speedway pace car.
We are looking forward to it. We have never been, and this year is my daughter's 1st Christmas. Can't wait to see her with Santa!!
I want to get a pic with all 3 with Santa, but my almost 9 yo I'm sure won't have anything to do with it. He still talks like he believes, but I think he's just playing along. I find it hard to believe he believes. And if he does, I'm sure it's his last year. That reminds me, I've gotta get some Santa gift labels, he's getting too smart, he'll know if Santa and I use the same ones this year!
hmmm...that sounds like fun. I might just try it out with the kiddos especially as Santa is going to be there. I hate going to the mall to see him..
Hubby's been working his butt off this week, so he says he'll be tired. I may attempt to go early at 4 by myself with the 3 kids, we'll see...
Off Topic MommmaApe......I may need your help. My daugher will start Kindgarden in the fall. I really like Polenta and West View but where we are renting is not in there district. We may be interested in lease to own you know of any listings in between those 2 schools. You can Pm. Thanks
Are the furry kids welcome to come and get their pictures made with Santa too? I would love to have a pic of my dogs with Santa..
Maybe he still does believe....I have a friend who has an 11 yr old daughter who still truly believes in Santa and when she's heard at school that he isn't real, her mom has told her those people "just don't have enough Christmas spirit". It seems to satisfy her. My son is 8 and still believes in Santa with his whole heart. It will break my heart when he finally realizes. I think a little bit of the magic of Christmas will go away when they figure it out.:cry:
My second dumb thing of the day! I thought Mamape posted that it was from 4-6, so we showed up at 4:45 ready to see Santa! Then I had to tell them he wouldn't be there for another hour! But we went back at 6:03, and there were already probably 100 people there! Some older man was there and we struck up a conversation, he seemed to know a lot about it. He told me they're moving it next year, probably to the field where the strawberry festival is. I don't know how he knows this, so who knows if it's true. But he was nice to talk to anyway. I didn't see a single person I knew, but was wondering how many 4042 people were there! I didn't even see Mamape there, I know who she is, but I don't think she's figured out who I am yet!!:mrgreen:
I remember being 9 yo and finding all my gifts labeled to me from Santa in my mom's closet. I already knew there wasn't a Santa, so it wasn't a big surprise. But I was still playing along because I didn't want my parents to stop buying me presents! (they didn't of course, but when you're a kid, you don't know that) Writing with your left hand: good idea! But I still need different labels, they're all on a roll, and they're the same ones over and over. Beleive me, he would notice!
I was there! There were so many people! I think moving it to another location might be a good idea. We got there right at 6 and watched Santa drive up and light the tree.
DD is 13, and up until this year, I am SURE she believed. If you ask her if she believes, she'll tell you yes. However, that might be because I told her when you stop believing, he stops coming.