walking in a room at your job over hearing someone talking about you and then tries to cover it up so you don't think anything. They are unaware of what you heard........... I can't stand backbiting, gossipers.....:evil:
I know this isn't the right thing to do but I would confront them and tell them that if they had anything to say to say it to my face.
Direct approach, maybe? Say something like, "what's this about me?" and see what is said. Of course, then, you will need to be able to accept what the reply is. Personally, I would prefer someone tell me something to my face rather than be the subject of water cooler conversation. This keeps the air clear with the communication at work, and therefore a bit less tense. I can usually tell if someone has a problem with me or has an active dislike; sometimes those peoples' opinions just don't matter. The people who count know what is true or not anyway. Just my humble opinion.
I would walk up to them and say something like "You know what else I heard about HughT . . ." and embarrass the hell out of them.
Ignore it. Those that matter will know whether the story is true or not. Those that don't know you, what do you care? They will believe what they want to believe anyway. In any event, all will know what kind of person the story teller is.
That is a good one Hugh. Being a work environment, and they do not know that you heard them I would keep my distance and not share anything with them that you did not want the rest of the office knowing. Be professional and cordial, and glad that you know now what kind of people they are.
Thanks guys and gals!! These people are the "pot stirrers" of the firm anyways. It is not unusual for them to have soemone to talk about. My mother told me once, and I just remembered it, if they are talking about you, they are leaving some other poor soul alone! I do like Hught's idea though. All are good and Clif does have a good analogy on the issue. Usually they come in my office and "try" to get me involved in crap but I am a good avoider. A church friend told me that when they come in my office, I should just look at them and say, "You know, that is terrible about so-and-so....I know! Let's you and me pray for them right now...what do you say?" He said that they more than likely will walk out and probably not come back knowing that that will be my answer everytime........
A friend of mine had this happen, and she just chastized them like children. when they all got quiet as soon as she walked up, really obvious, she made it clear she knew they were either talking about her, or talking about something she wasn't supposed to hear, and they should get back to productive work. Just be the grown up. I freakin' hate drama.