I would love to help out by cooking a meal also. Please let me know. Our church also has a food pantry and I'm sure I can get some food for them. I don't know what school the kids go to, but the counselors can help out also. At McGee's they do a lot at the holidays. So, check them out. PM me and let me know of a schedule for meals, or anything else I need to do.
Hey Sarahmama... PM me your email address and I'll get you on the meals schedule. Right now they are good with food. The community has really circled the wagons around them. Their pantry is full as is their frig. Thank you Jesus!!! I'm sure after all the initial excitement / panic of this is over they will need more help so anything you can do would be greatly appreciated.
Grind... I'll see you there. Will be there in the morning and then again around 2:00. Call me if you want updates on what's needed most!! I do believe you have our number......
red... I'm in FL right now, but my myself and my mom want to know if we get a couple of Walmart gift cards can you get them to the family? They could use them for anything they might need that way, gas in the car, a few xmas presents, or groceries. We'll be back on Sunday, so I could hook up with you later in the week?
Tas - That would be great! They will most definitely be needing gas money for the numerous doctor appointment they have and will have in the future. I'll PM my # to you and just call me when you get back. We can hook up then and I'll make sure they get them pronto!
Red, Sarahmama and I live near one another so we might be able to coordinate ours when the hoopla is over. Let us know. I'm thinking we could drop off a meal that has left overs, which helps. Please let one or both of us know what and when to do it. You are wonderful, Sherry
So what is the most needed thing right now... I was going to bring non perishables.... but if they arent needed yet, I can bring something else.
They are stock piled with food ... pantry is full and so is the frig. Honestly, they need money the most for doctor co-pays, medicines, gas for all the doctor appointments, etc... the kinda stuff that adds up over a very short period of time. And let's not forget January mortgage will be due in 4 weeks :shock:
Does anyone know why this gentleman is having brain surgery? Does he have a brain tumor? Where is he having surgery? I'd like to help in anyway I can....my daughter-in-law had a GBM tumor Dec. '06 and had surgery at Duke on Dec. 14, '06. He and his family will be in my prayers.
There is a nerve in his brain that is pressing on things it should not causing a good deal of problems.
I'm kind of confused what they want people to bring by today. If they don't need food, and I don't remember seeing a wish list for gifts posted. Is it just money they are asking for today, or have I missed something?
Red wrote: "The GCAA will have the gym open on Sat from 10 AM until 3 PM to collect any donations they can get for this family. They are asking for money, gift cards, and non-perishable food items. If you cannot contact me please know there will be a generalized location this Saturday, December 6th as a drop off point." They are just having a local meeting point if someone wants to drop off donations. GCAA set this up I believe. I know personally I would rather go by GCAA than to a random person's house to drop off donations. Though now I've spoken to Red several times on the phone and will be stopping by tomorrow to see what else the family needs.
Many many thanks to everyone who dropped off items and made donations today. I heard quite a few people say they had only heard about what was going on, had no idea who the family was but gave anyway. Was a great show of a community coming together to help out some of their own.. Tons of thanks again.
I think we'll find out today the wish list for the kids. You'll hear something tonight I am sure. They needed to find out what all was gathered yesterday at the GCAA before they could figure out the list. The kids have made a list (at least one for sure and probably the other two as well by now).
That is what I'm waiting for..my parents are intrested and they contact me on Friday about what was going on..I have contact Red and she knows to contact me so I can foward it to my parents. They always each year try and help out a family with kids for Christmas. Sheri