5 Years between Mug shots - can you spot the two differences? Answers hidden at bottom of post. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2008/1204081tatman1.html 1) Male Pattern Baldness 2) Found Religion
I know that I would pass out if I walked near him. Pretty scary looking. I, too, am curious as to why he has not had his ears done. Sherry
I bet he can walk right into a BP Station and NOBODY watches him. In fact I see Wal-Mart door greeter written all over him. Well, if they can find any room left to write it.:lol:
Well, one would be his hair. Early pictures show hair on his head and the other ones show less on top and more on the face. Will have to look again for others. Sherry
Let's see... he lost hair on top of his head and gained it on his face. Did his head hair moved south. FREAKY!
Hugh, Just a big ole' thanks. Now I'm going to have nightmares about his looks and guessing what different items are. You are mean, Sherry
He put what looks like a large thyroid gland with polka dots on his neck. Wonder what that means. :mrgreen:
See how you guys jump to conclusions? It was probably just a sleepover trick. I'm sure someone just got crazy with the Sharpie. They probably put his hand in a bowl of warm water too. Or... did anyone see "Let's Go To Prison"?