How are the house payments coming, as I remember they were 3 paymnets behind, sounds close to forclosure. Isn't money the most needed thing?
Much anticipated Update Hello the wonderful community of 4042! I am writing to report some of the most beautiful and glorious things that have happened for this family in the past 5 days. Everything has truly been a miracle in so many ways. *Their mortgage has been taken out of foreclosure by some wonderful individuals and their December payment has also been made. :-D *The past due electric has been caught up so it's not in jeopardy of being being turned off. ** We now have to work on the Dec electric bill, but we do have an angel working on this for us. *Through various individuals and families the cabinets, pantry and laundry room are overflowing with food and their frig is barely able to close. They are very well stocked with non-perishable items. :drool: *On Saturday the 6th the GCAA was open to accept donations of food, gift cards and money. I am excited to report that in cash, checks and gift cards a total of $3,095.00 :shock: was raised in 6 hours to help this family. This money has been used to pay medical bills, prescriptions and small household bills that otherwise would have went unpaid. THANK YOU CLEVELAND COMMUNITY!!!! :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray: :grouphug: *We are well on our way to fulfilling the wish lists of their 3 wonderful children. This will be the best Christmas they'll ever have in terms of receiving. They are just speechless when trying to describe how they feel. Their sense of faith has been renewed and they cannot wait to get on their feet in order to be able to give back. Come December 10th the father will go into the hospital for surgery and hopefully be home on the 15th. He will have a long road to recovery and there are more amazing people helping with meals during this time. If you are still wanting to help please send me a private message or post it here and I will get back to you asap. At this time they could use monetary donations to help keep the bills up to date and hopefully be able to pay January's mortgage. Also, restaurant gift certificates or gas cards would be of great help as they travel back and forth to the hospital and numerous doctor appointments. Though the outpouring has been tremendous they will still need help in the coming weeks while the father is recovering and the mom is by his side taking care of him and their 3 children. Thank you again for everything that you have done and everything that you will do in the future. MNRED ......
This is just wonderful news! :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray: Keep me posted on the wish list..I know I keep saying that. Sheri
Hello there! I am so happy to see that this family is getting some of the much needed help that they need. I was wondering if they are still in need of some clothes? If so Li'L Joey's would like to donate $100 in clothes for the children. Just let me know and I will pick out some outfits/pants for them and have them ready for someone to pick them up, or I could drop them off somewhere.
That would be awesome!!!! Just PM me with the information and I will arrange to pick them up. Thanks! MN
I promised to mail the Camp Rock soundtrack to you today. Sorry for the delay in getting it to you. I am happy to hear that the community has pulled together to help this family. This is the true meaning of the holidays helping others. This is why I love this area so much.
Today is the day of the Dad's surgery. If you pray, please pray for them today. I know personally I'll be praying for not only him, but the skillful hands of the surgeons and nurses that will be at his bedside. I will be praying for his wife and his children. And also be praying for this community that has risen to a need that had to be met for this surgery to take place today without worry of their house being taken away or electricity turned off.
His surgery started around 2:20. It will be a 4-5 hour surgery and then recovery time. We won't know anything until later this evening. If I'm still logged on at that point I will put an update on here. Pray pray pray..... He is 2 hours into it.......
Just need to have them turned in unwrapped by 18th... we're trying to get a wrapping party together for the 20th. THANK YOU!!!!
Ya'll make me cry.... Do we all realize what a wonderful community we all live in???? Sometimes it may not seem like it with all the bickering and squabling but the folks here on 4042 AND in the local community are wonderful!!
Exactly: We pull together when others are in need. I can't wait for the wrapping party. I've been practicing my "Belk technique" on my packages at home. (Yes I used to wrap at Belk)
Our family had a moment of silence at dinner tonight for him. Please keep us abreast, if possible. Thanks, Sherry
I am hoping he's out of surgery by now. I have been thinking about the family all day. I hope they've gotten word about how the surgery went. There's no worse feeling than waiting in the waiting room waiting to hear about how your loved ones are doing through surgery.
Surgery Update Hello all - Just got an update and the surgery went very well and he is doing good. He is to be in recovery until he wakes around midnight. He will then be in ICU for a couple days, which is protocol for this surgery. Please keep the family in your prayers as he has a long road to complete recovery. I will update you guys when I get updates.... Thank you again for everything!!!!! :hurray: (XOXOXO)
I am glad that the surgery went well. We will certainly keep him and his family in our thoughts. Thank you so much, Sherry
I pray that he will have a speedy recovery. Where did he have his surgery? The Cleveland community has been truly awesome in their support of this family. I'd be happy to prepare a meal or two if someone will let me know when, etc. 934-2713