Merry Christmas - You're Fired!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clif001, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. AppleFritters

    AppleFritters Well-Known Member

    Cliff, I have been looking for a new position since August. Intitally what I found was employers not wanting to pay anywhere near what I make now. I was ok with that early on. But what I see now is employers advertise postitions and the next thing I know, I see that same position advertised through some hiring agency. I have been with my current employer for 20 years but the handwritting is on the wall. So I started looking. Is this game with the companies and the agencies commonplace? I have been out of the market for so a long ime, I just don't remember the games they play now being the case years ago.
  2. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I hate that these things always happen at the holiday season. I'm sorry to hear about the job, Clif! I was almost happy to take a pay cut after Thanksgiving, if the alternative was losing my job completely. I'm hoping to hold my breath and squeeze thru 2009 and however long this recession lasts. Good luck!!
  3. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Thanks to everyone's well wishes.

    Technically, yes, but not what you might be thinking. It's actually car parts. :)

    I'm a VB developer (a computer programmer/web developer)

    I have found that it is generally the case during bad economic times. Fortunately I've been slowly setting myself up so that I can take a little pay cut. :)
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    Please know our thoughts are with you and I, too, admire your outlook on the situation. You may be in a great field to get a job quickly, while others are not and that is what you are thinking. Don't hesitate too long to jump into getting that resume' out their. People in our neighborhood are getting laid off left and right and I mean people who have worked for the same company for 22 years. Seems like those right in the middle are the ones getting cut and that is why it seems harder to find a new job.

    Thoughts and good luck,
  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    Our family has been thinking about your situation since you mentioned something might happened a while back. Right now you have a job...good thing. Send that resume' out...just in case.

    Our thoughts are with you and yours as well,

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