Chili's: White Oak

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LI-bratz, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    It was our anniversary dinner, so we decided to eat at Chili's. I'll cut to the chase so as not to bore you with the mundane events leading up to this fiasco. As the waitress brought our food, we couldn't help but hear one of the employee's screaming profanity less than fifteen feet away. He was standing in a group of coworkers, one being a manager, telling a story where he dropped the f-bomb about two hundred times. Fx@*ing cops. F&%$ing motherf&^%ers! On and on he went, unabashed, even when he saw me watching him.

    Then he did the unthinkable. He said, and I quote: "When he comes back I want you guys to 'pee' in his beer." The manager was standing with his arms crossed, nodding his head. Nobody seemed uncomfortable with the whole conversation. Except, of course, me. We left hurriedly and I won't be eating at Chili's again.
  2. shygrrl

    shygrrl Well-Known Member

    Nasty!! You need to report the whole group of them to the higher-ups! They usually have a bad sanitary grade. Maybe they will clean out the lot of them and start over~
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Gross!!! We had a bad experience there before and ended up walking out. I used to be in the restaurant business(as a manager) and uderstand the workings behind everything. I would have never let my employees speak that way where customers could hear. They would have been FIRED in a heartbeat! I fired one of mine for drinking beer out of the tap. Report them PLEASE!!!

    stephanie--mom to 7
  4. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    nasty! We went in there one time and the grade in the lobby was 84. This included 2 points for attending traing class. We immediately left. You should:
    1) report the incident online

    2) report incident to Better Business Bureau

    We will not return.
  5. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    They have gone way downhill since they opened up. They truly suck now.
  6. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I'll eat there again. To each his or her own. I prefer TGIF out there at White Oak though. The ribs are the shizzle.
  7. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    With the turn over at these types of places, you could probably go back next month and there will be a new crew on duty. My wife and I have eat there once. No real complaints that time. Actually, I've ate at the one in Goldsboro and on Glenwood in Raleigh and those offered good service too.

    If this particular one shows a pattern of a downward spiral, I would say stay away. However, this could be an isolated incident and one that the manager was just trying to diffuse.
  8. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    I usually take a look @ the sanitation grade on the way in. Anything under a 95 and aint no way I am gonna eat there. You've got to be REALLY nasty to score in the 80s. Its a shame, I really liked Chilli's bottomless nachos :p
  9. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    We went to Kaze last night. Had reservations for 6:00, got there at 5:40 and we were seated right away. They were quick to bring our drinks, soup and salads but then they just disappeared. The FOUR tables that came in after us were all served and were leaving when I asked for the SECOND time where our food was. The waiter said that they had lost our ticket in the kitchen and that he had re-written it. The chef comes out and our orders were all mixed up. He finally got it straight and proceeded with an awesome show and the food was to die for. I think he started cooking at 6:40 :x

    When it comes time for the bill they had not even offered us a discount, free appetizer or anything to make up for the mistake. I was so mad that I asked them to at least give us a discount and they ended up taking $22 off our bill!

    In the end it was well worth it and the food was unbelievably good. Next time I will wear pants with elastic in the waist. :lol:
  10. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    DH and I had 3 BAD experiences at the Chilis at White Oak - to us it's just like baseball - 3 strikes and you're out - enough money wasted on horrible service and food that I wouldn't serve to my dogs. I'm not just ragging about Chili's either - when I worked in Raleigh - gosh almost a decade ago - time flies. . .I loved the one on Glenwood near Pleasant Valley and went there about once a month.

    Logans also - we had not so great experiences there 3 times and called it quits about a year and a half ago - sorry for DH - he had his company Christmas lunch there (he didn't pick it) and he said it was "tolerable, but not great."

    We haven't been to TGI Fridays yet - figured we'd give them a couple months to be open and get their act together before we tried them out.

    You would think with the economy the way it is and people cutting back that restaurant managers would be all about making certain the people who show up received the best service and food they could offer. . .not that it should ever be any different, but the $ situation warrants they go above and beyond, or they will very likely go under.
  11. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    My mom and I ate at TGI Friday's Saturday. The food was good for chain restaurant food. But the music! It was up way too loud and the music sucked!
    I'm really in to all kinds of music so it's not that. I can't stand crappy music that's so loud you have a hard time having a conversation during your meal. Songs with guitar riffs that went on forever from songs I had never heard before and hope to never hear again! I understand they must be going for the whole TGI Friday feel but it got on my last nerve. I probably won't go back. Anyone have some suggestions for small quaint places to grab lunch on the weekends? I hate chain restaurants and really want to support local businesses. I don't want to go to Raleigh or Cary.

    DB's wife
  12. Steeler_Fan

    Steeler_Fan Well-Known Member

  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Logans sucks (years since I've been)
    TGIFriday's sucked last time I was there (about a month & 1/2 ago)
    Never had a problem @ Chili's though (last time there was about 2 months ago ~ lunch thing with the reps)
  14. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I've always loved Logans, although haven't been in probably 6 months. I don't care for Chilis, hubby does, but last 2 times we went the customer service was horrible. I don't care to go back. Surprised to hear their rating is so poor (or am I?) I've only been to TGIF's once, when it first opened and it was excellent; food was good, service was great. One of the best servers I've ever had. I can't wait to go back. Unfortunately due to lack of funds and too many kids, don't know when that'll be! :?
  15. poptart4breakfast

    poptart4breakfast Well-Known Member

    The best place to eat at White Oak is Chick-Fila. Great customer service, great food. I would rather pay less for a chicken sandwich and fries and have a person serve me with a smile than get an undercooked and over-priced steak from a surly waiter.
  16. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    I have a question.

    When folks visit a national restaurant chain and are unhappy with the food/service/staff does anyone contact the Corporation via the national websites and log a complaint in regards to the particular restaurant they visited? and If you do log a complaint with the national website does anyone receive any response from the national Corporate headquarters?

    I was just wondering if folks only complain to the restaurant's manager who is on duty at the time or not.
  17. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I did over some very bad service at the Wings restaurant up at White Oak.

    It was within the first few months of operation. Believe me my complaint flowed down to the local Management pretty fast. Within days I had Management apologizing and offering for me to come in on their dime.

    I feel it cheapens my complaint, unless it addresses the immediate meal that night, to take a free meal off the complaint. So we went back anonymously a few weeks later and were happy with the changes.

    We have returned many times since and haven't had a complaint worth of itchnin about since.
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Well, we've never had good service at Buffalo Wild Wings. We've tried them several times and it sucked each and every time. I've given up. I've only been to that Chili's once and it was OK, although there waitstaff is :shock: between the multiple piercings and visible tatoos (on your neck, REALLY?). I don't particulary care to see all that when I'm trying to eat. Still have had great experience's at TGI Fridays. I'll take them over Applebees :ack: any day., it was OK, nothing to write home about. And yes, that's the best Chick-fil-A around, for sure.
  19. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    BWW-we go often, and have never had a problem
    Chili's-it's just isn't that great to me
    TGI Friday's-we loved it, for a chain restaurant. their ribs are some of the best I've eaten.
  20. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    With any industry, I believe the good, the bad and the ugly begin and end with Management. If poor food/service/staff is a problem, I believe that the Manager allows it. If a restaurant's sanitation rating is low, I believe it's because the Manager has allowed it to become that low. I believe Corporate needs to be made aware of each restaurants flaws and accomplishments, when they are extreme.

    I understand your not wanting to accept the free meal because you felt it cheapened your complaint. However, you could look at it as a way that Corporate wanted to thank you for making them aware of problems which then could be corrected before the restaurant lost too many patrons. As you said, it was a trickle down effect from Corporate. Perhaps, you could have taken another couple along who had not visited the restaurant before (after knowing that things changed for the better) and possibly given the restaurant new patrons - through the Appreciation Free Dinner.

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