Yes thank you for posting them. I know when I am at work tomorrow I wil be so locked down I would not be able to see them. My network admin is the rear end of the mules. I post this now so I do not end up like Cliff
I got some great shots of your mules too, but apparently I'm too dumb to figure out how to attach them! BTW......I loved that you guys were throwing rose petals in addition to candy…….Nice Touch!
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Do you have pics of other parts of the parade too by any chance? I had my camera, but was too busy holding a dog in one arm and my 4 yr old in the other, and trying to wave, so there was no way I could take pics! LOL
I know you were that is why I put the Jester. I actually clicked hoping you had some from the parade but knew what you were doing. Having fun, Sherry :lol:
Nope, sorry, I went to the Christmas parade in Farmville Saturday, since I had a grandson marching in that one.
I only got to see a small part of it. Had to go pick up my crew that were in the parade. I did get to see the mules though, they were beautiful. I took a pic or two, will have to check and see if they turned out.
Thanks KDsGrandma, Hopefully I did it right and you guys can view the photos I uploaded. 2008/?action=view¤t=IMGP8242.jpg Tit4Tat, Loved your carriage & mules! What a GREAT parade!
When I think back to my poor parents having to go to all my parades, football games and concerts, I can't begin to imagine their boredom. Kudos to all of you parents, grandparents and other family members.