Police stopping for license checks on Raleigh Road

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by blessed2adopt2, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Ya see Clif? You've got others that can pitch in towards the lawsuit fund. You guys are on your way now.
  2. seabee

    seabee Guest

    So its easy to identify a drunk by his driving tactics how do you identify a unlicensed illegal driver. They have a right to operate a vehicle without a license as long as they are keeping it between the lines and following the laws. How do you propose they deal with them. If there was no threat of license check there would be alot more unlicensed drivers without insurance.
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    I do agree that just because it is lawful one does not have to agree with it. It has never happened to me or anyone I know and I am unsure how I would react if it did happen. More government, less government...maybe we'll get it right one day.

    Good day,
  4. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    I don't get why if it's such a violation of one's rights it doesn't have more people up in arms and trying to put a stop to it? I think it's just as bad for someone to complain that their rights are being violated and not try to do something about it than for me to think that these checkpoints are okay because they are saving lives and enforcing laws. Throughout history hasn't it always taken someone's actions - even if it was just a small town lady like Rosa Parks - to make a change when rights are being violated? Why shouldn't it be you if you don't agree with it? I'm dead serious and the money thing is a crock. So you know that you may not make change (although with Obama around maybe you'll have a better chance), but why not try? Doesn't action = change? Stand up to the police at the next checkpoint and refuse to participate. My point is that if you aren't willing to do that than you have no right complaining about it.
  5. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    Having never been through a checkpoint, I cant say as to how I will act. I can tell you that everytime I have ever been pulled over for whatever, I make sure it is done lawfully.
    I do everything I can to put the police through the ringer if they lie, etc. To the point that I had to go to traffic school and anger managment once because a policeman in Emporia lied, and violated my civil rights. Tell me where the next checkpoint is and I can promise you it'll be worth you coming to watch me :p

    I love this guy......(check out his other older videos also)

  6. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    I don't agree with it in the least, but if you talk the talk and then walk the walk more power to you. As for the anger management thing I should have added that I was suggesting a peaceful demonstration :neutral:
  7. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You may be correct on some of this but the lecture on doing something does not sit right with me. You have not a clue as to what each and every Member on here has, has not or will do to help out their family, neighbor, city, county, state and federal government. Each person may do it differently than others. Some are shy and want to stay behind the scenes maybe stuffing envelopes while others go out and protest. Some run for office while others run after a child raising them the best they can. Many, many, many people on Forums such as this one are so active it is beyond words and the patriotism these people from all sides show is beyond belief.

    While I think you have some valid points, recently talking about how some should do something about things is naive. Sometimes, someplace, somehow...you could be talking to the next Governor or person who patents the next heart valve and they enjoy talking to smart people like you on Forums, especially local Forums. Shoot...I have met only a hand full of people on this Forum and I consider myself lucky to have met those. Even passing off wire coat hangers lets a person know a little about another. Never underestimate. You don't seem like the type to do that.

    Just saying,
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  8. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    I was up around the Selma/Smithfield area of I95 and US 70 earlier today. I was on US70 coming from Clayton heading towards Selma. Within 1/8 of a mile there were 5 marked State Troopers, each with a vehicle pulled, and 2 more heading in the opposite direction. I had to laugh - 5 cars pulled all at the same time - what are the odds.
  9. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    When I lived in Atlanta and traveled way more I was one of ten pulled over in S.C. on the interstate. I forgot about that earlier. Go figure...all white, female, young, intelligent and beautiful. Seriously, it happened and we were all white, female and young. I could not get over it. Seems I was the tenth in line so I had a few minutes to notice a trend happening. Mr. Trooper did not like my assessment but I was polite. Polite enough to call and write his superiors and get other "victims" names.

    Shame, shame,
  10. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    First, you need to calm down. Second, I'm having a hard time following your defense of everyone on the board because I'm only addressing those who have posted about their rights being violated and I didn't even say that it makes them bad people - they are entitled to feel that way, but my point is that if I thought that my rights were being violated I would try and do something about it. I know that most people are not going to stand up to the police or hold a demonstration, but then those people can write a letter, send an email. Do something so that you can at least say that you stood up for the rights that you say are being violated and for that reason you want to do away with something that I believe saves lives. I am not questioning the patriotism of anyone on this board or whether they are good people. I would think that you of all people would encourage those that feel like they are having their rights violated to try and do something about it, however small.
  11. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    They don't have the right, but they should be left alone.
    Wait until they're caught for some observable offense. Then how about 5 years in prison for driving without a license? Would that work?
    Maybe we should start doing body cavity checks on everybody who walks into the Post Office so we can reduce drug smuggling. :mrgreen:
  12. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Oh Geez... :confused:
  13. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    It has already been done. Generally, courts rule that it's OK under certain limited circumstances. A lot of people think the courts have made the wrong decision in those cases. They do a balancing test, weighing the harm to the individual against the benefit to society. Police cannot normally stop a vehicle without reasonable cause to believe a violation may be taking place, so they cannot just pull over cars at random. When they set up a checkpoint, they have to have a system determined in advance - they will stop every car, or ever other or every third car, something like that. They can't pull you over because of your age, sex, race or ethnic origin, or the length of your hair or number of tattoos and body piercings.

    If you look at the references posted by Sherry and Josey, you can see where the courts concede that it violates your 4th amendment rights, but only a little bit. :? And the benefit to society outweighs the intrusion on individual rights, is their reasoning.
  14. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Sherry that comes off as the MOST *****iest thing you've EVER posted. Congrats.
  15. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    OK, I am in too giddy of a mood today. Earlier I read the thread about Polentardmafia and Shadow Rider being MIA and then I read this.

    Has anyone checked the post office to see if Shadow Rider has been hanging out there lately?.....(laughin').....

    SR - U know I love ya............(laughin')
  16. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    And I agree with them. I'm actually sorry that people feel like their rights are being violated and have such a negative feeling towards something that I believe is set up to do good for the community.

    In closing, should I get in a checkpoint line in front of someone who feels they are being denied their rights or inconvenienced I will gladly let you go ahead of me. :cheers:
  17. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I appreciate those guys out there yesterday. I could see what was going on from observing the car in front of me so I reached over to grab my wallet. I keep my license in the see-thru part of my wallet so I asked the officer if he needed me to take it out. He said, "No, ma'am. Not at all." He didn't even touch my wallet just took a look at it and told me to have a safe day. I enjoy seeing these men and women serve and protect...and be so kind in the process. I have nothing to hide, therefore it's never bothered me. Looking at my license and breaking down my door are 2 very different things.
  18. seabee

    seabee Guest

    I would agree to stiffer penalties on no licenses, but if they drive with extreme caution and never break the law they could drive forever knowing there is no threat of being caught at least a minimal one. I'm not about infringing on rights of indiviuals but would like to know our streets are as safe as possible. Now the post office one isn't a good point, lol they wouldn't have it in the cavities if they are trying to send it via postal service. 8)
  19. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I hate to be disagreeable here, but I don't see it as an invasion of my "rights". My rights are to drive on the road from point A to point B without being taken out by a drunk driver. It's a far cry to check to make sure my license is valid and I'm not blowing a .28 and breaking down the door to my house. Should we just let anyone on a plane without making sure they have a ticket?
  20. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    If drunk driving is such a problem that it requires everyone on the highway being stopped at a checkpoint, then obviously the laws are too lenient. Once that is corrected, no checkpoints would be needed.
    If they can drive forever without breaking a traffic law, why do they need a license?

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