Yes, we're having a raffle for a PSP starting tomorrow November 15th and the drawing will be December 15th. $2.00 per raffle ticket - pm me if you want to purchase any! All proceeds go to the Cleveland United Ice Challenge Soccer Team, which helps offset tournament fees and travel cost. Who by the way won runner up in this past weekends Mid State Soccer Tournament :hurray::hurray::hurray:. Look for our winning picture & article in the upcoming newspapers The Cleveland Sentinel and The Cleveland Post. Next up is the ADIDAS Challenge Clash In Greensboro November 22 - 23. Thanks everyone!
Just wanted to post that we drew the winning name last night. Caroline Makepeace - she is a 5th grade teacher at West View. Congrats! And thanks to everyone that participated.
Are you pulling our chain? That's her real name? Man, I could do wonders with that name. Congrats, Sherry
Sorry I didn't make it by! I'm such a slacker! I'll either get over there today or tomorrow, or I'll just mail it to you, lol...
Mail it? Geesh woman! LOLOL :lol::lol::lol: Just whenever ... no worries! And if you come by before they're gone you get homemade chocolate covered peanut butter balls! :mrgreen:
All this talk of chocolate nuts should answer Sherry's question on P mafia no wonder he is in hiding, its not safe around here for him right now. :jester: