Anyone here on facebook? I am suddenly addicted. I am in touch with people I grew up with and went to pre-school with. One posted a photo from our kindergarten class picture. If you are let me know.
It's crazily addicting. I don't have time for it but I have a page. Haven't posted pictures though. Reluctant to as awhile back (not on Facebook) someone stole our kids' pictures and our story to try to make a profit. It was nuts! So I'm very cautious now. It is amazing though as I've connected w/ people from highschool. Went to high school over in Germany. So we're all spread out. It is so neat though to see where and how everyone ended up. And you have people signing on all the time. The pictures from high school are cracking me up. Ha, never knew it was that bad a fashion era--LOL. It is just fun. People had been bugging me to join months ago and I finally did just a few weeks ago. Been fun. I highly suggest but beware, it is SO addicting b/c you get to reconnect with people and classmates from so long ago. Stephanie--mom to 7
My daughter convinced me to create a Facebook page. Then, just for fun, I looked for my former best friend from 25 years ago and found her. She also had a page and now we have reconnected and are sharing stories of our lives the past 25 years.
I have one, but am leery. I have mine blocked, don't want a lot of friends, people can't find me unless I invite them first. But my bff from high school who I haven't seen in 8 years found my hubby on there, and we're going to see her next week, I still can't believe it!! Hubby is reconnecting with a lot of old friends, I don't really miss anyone from my school days (except her) so I don't know who to look for! (isn't that sad?)
FB is the most addicting thing ever!!! I have found almost all of my high school classmates. I haven't seen most of them in 20 years, so it's been great. My husband doesn't like it though, he says I spend too much time on it.
I got on it with a friend of mine about a year ago. All of a sudden I had several of my high school friends contacting me. Its really great for getting back in touch with people you've lost contact with over the years. Its a little "funky" to use for my tastes, but I like the "friends you may know" feature.
I've been playing with facebook lately ... I found my very first 'best friend' from when I was about 4 years old. Well, she found me, actually. It's definitely a wild ride!
I have a facebook also. Daughter didn't want me to get one, and even tried to tell be because I was not in HS that I could not get one. HA showed her!! I have got to find a couple of people I knew from HS, DD's friends contact me and I have had a good time. Helps me keep track of what is going on with the kids. :twisted:
OK--- FACE BOOK- it is addictive. BUT You will be found by long lost middle school bullies, former T-Ball team criers, HS paper copiers-cheaters, that strange girl/boy that you once said "HI" to, neighbors that moved away when you were 6, friends from one week of summer camp, all, every single one, yes, every one that you had a nasty break-up with, that college roommate that still owes you money... then there is that crew of former co-workers that you hoped to NEVER hear from again. People that you would hide from in Food Lion will be your FRIEND on FACEBOOK -- Are You Ready???? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
:iagree: That's why mine is blocked, and they can't find me unless I find them first!! I like it that hubby can't even find me on there!
What does it mean to poke someone?? I keep wanting to do it, but not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing?
LOL-- I've been wondering the same thing but always thought I was stupid for not knowing. Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one. I have so much to learn on that thing. I found another long lost friend yesterday. Really amazing stuff. One of my friends actually lives in Raleigh! Hard to believe since we all lived in Germany before this. If you find out what it is to "poke" someone, do let me know. I'm a facebook illiterate. Stephanie--mom to 7
Oh, don't worry stephanie, you're not alone for sure! I don't even know how I got a page on there! I either did it a couple years ago, and don't remember, or my husband did it, or something. But I just found out 2 months ago by my friend that I even had a page, and it's been there for 2 years!! So don't feel bad!! So I went on my own page to see what it was about, and sure enough, there I was!! I only had 3 friends (I'm up to 7 now, woohoo!) and there was very little info, and even less now that I've blocked it all. I don't do much on there, not like some people's I've checked, some people have like 400 friends!! What??? How do you even know 400 people???
Last week a friend from high school invited me to Facebook, I don't think I've left it since. LOL I have found or been found by almost every person I hung out with in school. I have been overwhelmed with trying to read everyone's info, look at their pictures and reply to their messages. It's awesome!