what are you getting your teenagers for christmas? i do NOT want to get anything video game related as we have that coming out of our ears. i need ideas people!!
Models, science kits, build yourself electronics, board games, etc? Would he be interested in any of that stuff?
I have seen some cool stuff, science kits for making candy are a big hit. Models come in multiple difficulty levels and finished products, electronics kits can be anything from small motors to crystal radios. A boy might enjoy Risk Or Stratego board games, but warning - Risk can take HOURS to play. Chess and backgammon are good games, too. They do sell those as a kit, with poker chips, cards, backgammon board, checkers, and chess pieces -an all in one.
A chemistry set for the 13 YO.. if you dare. Lite Brite, maybe Toys R Us? They have them online, not sure about in-store.
oh he would love that as science is his fav subject and he loves the lab work! put him in the garage!
I bought the son of a friend, who is of similar age, a DNA lab for Christmas ... less potential impact than the chemistry set. It was less than $30.00 if I remember correctly.
Try the Discovery Channel store at Crabtree? http://shopping.discovery.com/category-1_TOYSGAMES/3_TG_AGE_8TO12BOYS-27996.html
These are some good suggestions. This year I have to buy for 2 boys, 11 and 14 and had no idea what to get them. I'm not used to buying for boys.
Yes not wanting to do the whole video gaming stuff. I swear the older they get the harder and more expensive it is. My little one wants an Ipod touch! $300- I don't think so!
Or a build a rocket set, you can find them at hobby shops. They can build it and then launch it, one of my brothers loved those as a kid.