My oldest wanted an Ipod touch too. She's getting this instead
ain't that the truth. it was so much easier when they were younger. my daughter wants a toothbrush for Christmas. A $150 toothbrush!!
Holy crap! I use the free ones I get from Dr. Riccobene when I go in for a cleaning ~ I'm cheap like that :lol:
That's what i'm using too. But my kids are obsessed with teeth. My youngest has one and it works really well. She got her last year when she was in dental school and got a discount. Wal Mart doesn't have the discount. Anyone have a coupon?
Tangy, Call one of Riccobene's offices. They sell Sonicares w/o the mark up (if this is what y'all are talking about).
how about some Estes rockets. Use to love them as a kid and now they have other stuff that they carry. They can be gotten at some local hobby stores. At least use to. There is a hobby store in the Kroger plaza on Creedmore road at the corner of Lynn Road that might have some. Here is Estes web page
Good luck. Any rodent is always a great gift. PetSmart has them and the cages. Happy shopping, Sherry
Something from Cleo's website: Discovery Praying Mantis Encounter SPECIAL PRICE Discovery Praying Mantis Encounter $13.97 Cannot beat the price just don't know how quick you can find one. Sherry
Are they still open? I thought they and all others were closing a while back. If they are still open we are going to see what bargains they have left. Yeah! Sherry
Thank you so much for your suggestion. I called his office and was able to get one. I saved quite a bit of money. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and once again, thank you!
Wow, Jen. I think the one you are or have gotten is awesome. Doesn't look much different than the iPod Touch. Do you know what the difference is? The teen is wanting an iTouch for her birthday in February and you may have just saved me a bunch of money. Review please, Sherry