I could just slap myself because I usually have every single gift by now but one has not been purchased I cannot locate it anywhere. The website states "Sold Out or Unavailable". I need help from my 4042 friends! I am looking for:Girls Rockin' Lap Desk that PB Teen was carrying. Take your homework anywhere with this mobile workstation. The cushy beanbag base includes built-in 3" speakers and a sturdy surface with a convenient desktop cutout that lets you plug in your MP3 player. Requires four AA batteries (not included). Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated. Horrible mom on my end to wait this long. I just thought they would have a bunch plus I have been so sick with either the flu or some crap. Thanks to all, Sherry
I am always early with items but got sick and forgot to get this one. I have eaten that worm before...at the bottom of a Tequila bottle (much younger then). Ha, ha, Sherry
I think that's it. Go Sherry, run to Toys R Us and the teen will never know that you waited too long. :hurray:
Yes, yes. What great friends. Now, let me see if they still have any in stock and I can get one before Christmas. I don't care what color as she can paint it or do whatever, if she doesn't like the color. THANKS SO MUCH! Sherry
Thanks so very much to everyone. Was able to order it off of the internet in Tan and it will be here by Tuesday! I even used that promotional suggestion by another Member on another Thread and received $10.00 off. All in all it came out cheaper on this one than the one I had my eyes on. You guys are just the greatest, Sherry
Update...I already received the gift. How wonderful is that. Thanks to all for helping because I don't think I would have ever found it in time. Gosh, being sick with the flu for that long put me behind and I have all of you to thank for making my faith in humankind and my teen's holiday a much better time. You guys are just the best! Sherry
I tried to help you, but you're right - they're hard to find. What I can suggest is to print the lap desk picture and paste it in the Xmas card, telling your loved one that the gift is on the way. If you order it after the holidays, I'm pretty sure PB Teen will have plenty of stock.
Thanks but I ordered it because the kind people here found one online and Iwas stating that I have already received...very fast service. Oh, thanks to you for that Post on Promotional Codes and all. It was wonderful and I did not know about it. I was able to use what you taught me on another Thread and get $10.00 off my purchase. How nice of you to share that with us. I have the gift and she will be surprised. She uses her laptop but in following my style she also uses a wireless keyboard and mouse. I think the gift will sit next to her on the couch, her mouse on top and all iPod and other items inside and organized (her laptop sits on a rolling laptop table that's legs fit under a couch or chair). The speakers will be a bonus...hope she'll play some rock and roll for dear ole' mom at times. Thanks and have a safe and happy holiday, Sherry
Update...my teen could not have been more surprised. The item is just wonderful and she'll be able to use it in college (hope she gets in one..joking). The speakers blast so she'll have to use those when not studying. The thing is great to use both at the table or on the couch. Loads of storage space with dividers. Most everything needed to study can fit in except for books. Wonderful! On the table: laptop on table pushed back, wireless keyboard, tv tray beside her chair with the desk on top. Items organized inside and mouse on top. Even kids coming over to study will have plenty of room. On the couch: laptop on laptop rolling table, desk beside her with items above. Less stress on her shoulders and back. Gotta fill out the warranty. She is going to paint items on the tan and put stickers so she has her own style. I told her that the 4042 Santas came to her rescue, as always. Thanks for always helping out, Sherry
Sherry, would this work when sitting up on the bed? DD got a laptop last night and she hasn't moved from her bed with it on her lap. She looks uncomfortable to me but she says she is fine. I might have to get her one for her birthday next month.