Third Grade Movie Night?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JustAnotherMom, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    Is anybody going to the movies tonight w/their West View third grader? For the life of me I can't remember what time/movie theatre it is :oops::confused::oops: Help please!!!
  2. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Not going b/c DH doesn't get home till late and I can't drive at night. It's at White Oak but I forgot what time. I thought 7:30 but could definitely be wrong. Have fun if you're going. Kids and I are just going to veg out, watch a Christmas movie and make candy bracelets.

    Happy Holidays!!!

    stephanie--mom to 7
  3. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you couldnt make it, there was a pretty good turnout, kids had fun :) Of course mine passed out, lol
  4. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    My son is in 3rd grade and I never heard about it...although I'm in NY now, so it doesn't matter. Just wondering why I never heard about it?
  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Get off the internet and go enjoy New York!!!! Instructions from mama Sherry!

    Happy holidays and stay safe,
  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Oh, we're enjoying it! Today is our lazy day, we're just hanging out. Watching/learning how my Grandma makes her YUMMY mac & cheese, ate a ton of Xmas cookies, played in the snow this morning, laying around being lazy. Tomorrow starts the chaos of visiting everyone!
  7. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear it. Just making sure. Take lots of pictures to share with your 4042 family, please.

    Happy holidays to you and your family,
  8. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    It was just dd's class, her teacher thought it would be fun for the kids :)

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