On Saturday late afternoon, I was driving on Josephine Rd. and over by the new subdivision on the right side's entrance, there were more than 12 men standing by the road. Apparently, it looks like they're waiting for the ride. What was that all about?
Group Christmas Shopping Pick up game Gay get together (kind of goes with the previous possible answer) Large Hide and Seek game Live nativity scene for those who do not care about the details Calendar shoot Splitting a 12 pack Double funeral Reenactment of the 12 days of christmas, for those who do not care for the details Daylaborors
Possibility #'s 11 & 12 11) A delayed Riot because Barrack Obama has been elected President of the Untied States 12) A delayed Riot by 12 men who do not pay attention very well and thought Barrack Obama lost the election
Waiting for the bus because they were afraid to drive for fear they were going to be stopped in a police license check?
you should have stopped at 10. remember the comedy lesson that jerry taught george: get out on a big laugh, never give them too much, always leave them wanting more.... ok, that's it for me! goodnight everybody!
I can solve the mystery! :hurray: I know ya'll are just dying to know... It was a homeowners association meeting to discuss the maintenance and beautification of the front entrance.