Sorry guys don't I don't believe, I'm a scrooge.. never got what I wanted for xmas. I do have a friend that's trying to get me in the spirits though, you know who you are!! :hurray: I do believe in the tooth fairy, although he was a cheapo!
Clif, when is the last time you received a Christmas gift from Santa Claus? The real one, chubby cheeks, elves, lives at the North Pole...
Last year. Why? (Off to a dentist appointment, so you dont think I'm ignoring any further communication)
Pay the man. "Magic" is a matter of opinion. To quote Arthur C. Clark, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." But to answer the question you want to ask, it was under the tree Christmas morning (as every present from Santa has been since I can remember) and no one known to me put it there.
Last year it was a guitar stand (think of a plate easel on a much larger scale). The year before that, to tell you the truth, I really don't remember. Of course, I don't remember any presents at all. Just out of curiosity, why do you ask? It can't be to verify what I might have said last year or the year before, since I didn't say last year (or the year before). In fact, the only present I have ever referred to that came from Santa was a wood carving set from a few years ago. You don't believe, so you certainly can't really be interested. So, what are you looking for?
We have something in common! I can read minds too. Tell me what I"m thinking. Clif already has. No wait... that's what HE THINKS I'M THINKING. Big difference. He doesn't share our common bond.