Where did I say, suggest, imply or otherwise propose that you were thinking anything specific? If I knew what you were thinking, why would I ask? The only definite statement I made was that you don't believe, which you have already stated elsewhere.
He sees you when you are sleeping, he knows when you are awake ... he posts the video in the internet at $19.95 access per month ....
(show me) You answered your own question... Why so defensive? IF you have nothing to defend then don't be so defensive. Geeze!
Sorry, hubby doesn't do threesomes. Unless you're Jessica Biel posing as a grumpy old man. And even still...I don't do threesomes! :lol:
Very good Clif and I'm sorry you wasted your time. Me not believing in the mystical figure of Santa wasn't what I was questioning. Let me be more specific. My bold highlight wasn't entirely what I wanted to convey. My fault. Where did I say I wasn't interested? That's the part that you assumed by reading my mind saying I wasn't interested in what you got. And by answering your own question you said "you don't believe, so..." (same quote above) Sheesh - I could see how that was confusing.:lol: Hell, I confused myself! And if you can't get it this go around the forget and I'm glad you liked your toys! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Santa Family Tree http://www.cryptomundo.com/wp-content/uploads/wildmanposterlg.jpg From http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/santas-family-tree/