Hope. Change. Let them eat cake.
Possibly for security reasons? The property is on a small peninsula, with the Pacific Ocean on one side and a narrow canal on the other. Aides said the Obamas and their friends are expected to cover the costs of their stay in Hawaii. A typical rental price for the property could not immediately be found, although one home for sale on the block has a price of $7.9 million. The Obama family traveled with reporters, photographers and Secret Service agents on a non-stop flight aboard a chartered—and largely empty—Boeing 767 that departed from O'Hare International Airport on Saturday morning for the roughly nine-hour flight. In Honolulu, airport workers waved from the tarmac as the family stepped off the plane, the president-elect carrying two of his own bags. During a motorcade across the island, numerous onlookers waved and snapped photos as the family traveled to their vacation home. For Obama, Hawaii is much more than just beach and sand. Since he left the islands for college in California, he has returned virtually every year to visit high school friends and family.,0,1427225.story
Obviously I'm not an Obama fan. (see avatar):mrgreen: But I call Bull ****. No way did he pay 9 mil to rent a beach home or even 3mil. This is a prime example of the media spinning stories to sound worse than what they actually are. The cost to rent that place was probably 3 or 4k a week. Which is a drop in the bucket. Creative journalism at it's finest.:lol:
Odd this portion was removed from the quote ... I suppose it made the security issue more probable than the real political rant .... :beathorse:
The "Mcmansion" (9 bedrooms/8 baths) next to me in Surf City is on the market for $2.5 million, and rents for $9,000 a week. I'm willing to bet the weekly rate's alittle more than that! (if it's even a rental, which I doubt) It's also my bet that O'bama and crew are staying there as "non paying guests". Nothing's changed.
No, the 9 million was what the current owner paid for the property .... so he is staying in a 9 million dollar rental home.
Had a Republican done something like this, the MSM would be screaming "out of touch!" and "how can he do this when people are suffering?" The hypocrisy surrounding this man and his doings is just breathtaking.
You do realize he does not own a ranch or an exotic home in Kennebunkport. This area was his Childhood home and he has gone back to it almost every year of his life. In addition to going back for his Grandmother's memorial I hope he gets a lot of rest because he has got one hell of a job ahead of him.
Now now I'm not that bad at this time of the year. Its getting close. 3 degrees is cold like a meat freezer.
it was -8 this morning..... the Obama's are lucky sure enough. I bet they are sipping fruity drinks by the beach.
Pfffttttt... you should swing by Greenbank ... if you can get there now. It gets even worse up on those mountains.