HELP - Local Family needs help

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mnredsky, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad everything went well! :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray:
    Please keep us posted.
  2. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    WOO HOOO. 1st thing I checked on this morning when I got up. :)
  3. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Thanks M for the update.....
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Wonderful news and i can only imagine how the family must be feeling:hurray: Will keep them in my prayers. Thanks so much for letting us know:grouphug:
  5. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Morning Update

    I wanted to let everyone know that I spoke to the mom this morning around 8:30 and she said that dad is doing well. He’s awake, alert and hungry. The doctors will not allow him to eat, sit up or walk just yet. Because of the type of surgery he had, he will have to lay flat of his back for a couple of days. What the doctors did to correct the problem will first make it worse and his body will have to adapt and figure out that there has been a correction made. Please continue to pray for him and his recovery. She is in need of much rest so please pray for her also. She’s exhausted and it tells in her voice. As soon as I get other updates I will let you know.

    MNRED for CJ
  6. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    We thank You, God, for Your healing touch and peaceful rest for all the family......Amen..........

  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad to hear this!

    Keep us updated.
  8. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Just a quick update. Dad is doing good and he finally gets to ease his hunger pains :lol:. He's been cleared to eat anything. Today he will be taking a stroll around the hospital floor with assistance. They are telling him it will be Monday when he is discharged, but he is shooting for Sunday (we'll see).

    Although on a side note he and mom are terribly tired. They have been entertaining lots of visitors :neutral:, which they are very grateful for, but I (MNRED) am asking that if you know this couple please let them rest. They would never turn anyone away so I guess I can be the bad one :mrgreen:. Seriously though he does need his rest ......

    The dinners will start on Monday the 15th as planned from the group of wonderful community members that signed up. Thank you thank you thank you! (Will send schedule again in email).

    Anyway, just wanted everyone to know that he is doing good and the doctors are hopeful about a full recovery. :hurray::hurray:
  9. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    Wow, he gets to eat and take a stroll. How marvelous is that? :)

    Thanks for keeping us up to date on his progress.
  10. Ro

    Ro Well-Known Member

    Help Family

    So sorry I didn't see this post earlier. I am prepared to offer a meal or more than one meal. Please let me know the details.

    May our Lord protect this family with His love and mercy and may He bless all the 4042 folks who are helping.

  11. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Hi Ro! Thank you for the offer. Right now we have a schedule out until January 6th. If they need meals beyond that point I will put you on the email list.
  12. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Update: - He is resting at home now :hurray::hurray:. They are still expecting it to be a good 3 months before he will be "back to normal" or as much as possible. They are still very overwhelmed by all the support this community has given them and hope to send a message to everyone soon. From them I send a big :grouphug: and thank you to hold you over! :jester:

    ** Please still refrain from visiting until after Christmas time if you know the family. As with any brain surgery there are risks and precautions that must be taken. Due to the sensitive nature of the surgery they are very worried about a multitude of people coming into their home that could potentially carry germs (rightfully so). This especially during the cold and flu season not to mention meningitis. Please give him time to heal and I know they will be really glad to visit with everyone once this critical period has passed.... Yes, you can hate me, but I know you'll get over it.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  13. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Please make sure to put us on the list if needed after the others run out.

    You are an angel,
  14. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Wanted to give a quick shout out to Raleigh Neurology. The staff there went beyond any expectation of mine. They "adopted" this family and provided clothes, food, shoes, money for bills. It was tremendous. So I wanted to say to them THANK YOU!!!!!!! Special mention to Beth for setting it all up. WOW!!!

    *Update* - Dad is slowly getting better. He took his first stroll the other day and did well. Still woozy, but it's getting better every day. Mom is still woozy too (LOL) from this whirlwind experience, but is getting a grasp on it all. They are LOVING the meals every night and it's helping them so much with trying to balance everything their routine. So thank you to the "dinner crew."

    On a not so sunny side note... one of the girls got sick :? .... there's been lots of visitors.... ugh :neutral: ....
  15. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    Thanks for the update and letting us know about the staff at the hospital. That is just so amazing and wonderful. Rekindles faith in humankind.

    Thanks for all you do,
  16. meg

    meg Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing I wasn't needed to provide food. I had mentioned that I would help but never received an e-mail giving me any dates.
  17. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    All the dates filled up the same day I sent the email out 2 weeks ago. I thought I replied back to you ... sorry! If we extend the dinners past the 6th of Jan I will send out another email.
  18. garnet

    garnet Well-Known Member

    I hope they had a fabulous morning. Have you by chance heard how it went?
  19. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    I talked with them a couple times yesterday. The kids were truly in awe and it took hours for them to unwrap all the gifts this wonderful community .... I mean Santa... :mrgreen:.... had given them.

    It was also dad's birthday yesterday... yes, he was / is a Christmas baby! :hurray:
  20. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for keeping us updated. Just knowing this brings a smile to my face as this is what it is all about.


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