My son received this for christmas. The clever people that packed it put two of the same support legs in the box. Therefore it will not stand on its own. We put some 'tape' to hold it up. For $29.99 I do not think this should have to be done. I looked at several places to see if I can 'trade' it for a good one and they are all out!! If anyone knows where I can find one, I will be brave enough to go out tomorrow morning!! Thanks guys and gals of!!
Spin Master Pixos Super Studio Spin Master Pixos Super Studio Pixos Super Studio + Add to Shopping List | More Like This See More Results... * • From Target (3) In stock at Target 108 Seller Reviews $24.99 Go to Store Here's a link that shows the stores that have or carry this: Good luck and I'm sorry for your son. Nothing worse on Christmas than a kid getting something that doesn't work, doesn't have the right parts, etc. There really are worse things at Christmas for kids but hopefully you understand what I am saying. Good luck, Sherry
I realize that the item you purchased may be a different style/model than what I Posted and found but the link may help with your exact model. Sherry
I was afraid of my son getting one of those Pixos contraptions for Christmas. Thankfully, we did not. The other thing he wanted was those Bendaroos they are trying to push on TV right now. Its the same thing that comes in the Zaxby's Kids' meals and he don't even play with those when we eat there, so Santa decided against those this year.
Thanks!! Thanks to all!! I was out this morning very early! I was able to find them at Target at White Oak!! Places were not crowded like I would have expected them to be!! I hope everyone had a very merry CHRISTmas!! Our family did!
So glad all worked out. Things like this can make a parent stress out and kid get disappointed. Even better that it was not crowed! How wonderful, Sherry