Who wraps their Santa presents??

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by browns rule, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  2. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    People usually don't like my Santa reply. I get the "scrooge" tag.

    We have always steered clear of the "Santa" thing. We have always taught our boys that Santa is not the reason we celebrate Christmas but Jesus is. We have not practiced the "santa thing" in our house from day one. The reason you ask......quite simple. When we teach our children of God and Jesus, they cannot see them so it is something hard for anyone to believe in something they cannot see, touch or feel. Call it human nature. We feel that if we teach our children about Santa and then they find out later that he was never real, why even give them the doubt in their minds of Godf or Jesus being real? I know, some call it odd or just plain being a stick in the mud but that is how we feel and we don't want to lie to our children.

    Now, do we still wait until after they go to bed to bring out the presents? Sure, it's part of the fun in being a parent. They just know that it all comes from us being blessed by God.
  3. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Yeah, stick in the mud alright. So their is No Tooth Fairy either, and nothing magical in your house. No Walt Disney, No Fairy Tales, Is that what you are saying. Just the Real World, NOthing to dream of magical.? Poor kids..... IMO

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    I had the most wonderful parents any kid could have. Not only were they strong in their religion, passing that down to their kids, but they were able to balance between the religious meaning of Christmas and that magical wonder of Santa. They didn't want to take away the wonders of Christmas time and wanted us to have the experience that only comes when your young. We never felt that we were lied to. Was there not a true Saint Nickolas in history? Believe I was taught he was a Bishop that was eventually sainted.
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member


    my parents were wonderful too. Now as a parent, I do the exact same. I was smart enough to know the difference of the two celebrations, luckily my kids are that smart too.

    St. Nick was a real person....absolutely. History states he was (probably)the Bishop of Myra.
  6. KB2

    KB2 Well-Known Member

    Growing up ALL presents were wrapped. But I was pretty observant and once asked my mom why some of Santa presents were in the same paper as the ones from her. Quick thinking she said that sometime Santa wrapped a few when he got to the house with whatever paper was there. I bought that explaination no problem. (she also said he had a magic key since we had no chimney) LOL!

    Well I think my boys would not buy the paper story so easily. Sooo, for them Santa presents get wrapped in Santa paper and the ones from Mommy and Daddy in other Christmas paper. And the writing is VERY different on the Santa tags then on the Mommy and Daddy tags as well as in different color ink. More work? Yes. But it is SOOO worth it to keep Santa alive as long as possible.

    I have the BEST, most magical memories of Christmas as a child and was not ONE BIT damaged to find out it was really Mommy. A little sad yes, but also very appreciative for all she actually did especially knowing she could barely afford it. In the end they kids realize and apreciate that Mom and Dad actually did all the work. My husband on the other hand, was told from day one there was no Santa (his family made it all about Jesus) which is okay, but they also did not make anything "FUN" or magical of it and he does not really get excited for Christmas, has no fond memories or anything. Thankfully he wanted it different for his kids and agreed to do it the way I knew growing up. And our kids also know the religious side of and are fasicnated with the true Christmas story of the birth of Jesus. l'm glad we have both Jesus and Santa in our lives. It makes it the most wonderful time of the year! (Hey, isn't that a song??) LOL!

  7. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I've always wrapped all gifts, honestly I never thought about not wrapping them. But I wouldn't anyway, for fear of them being found (i always snooped as a child, and always found my gifts!) But wrap in different paper as well, and for the first time this year used different tags with different handwriting. Since I was in NY this year, I had my young cousins write out the tags for me, so it was really different handwriting from Santa. Actually, I think my kids go through the gifts so fast, they don't even read the tags, just to see who it's to. As they were opening the gifts we'd ask who it's from, and they'd have no idea. (Only the oldest one can read so far anyway)

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