We usually have lots of pretty songbirds in the backyard this time of year. We keep feeders full and get bluebirds, cardinals and other pretty birds. This year, nada, zip, none! The feeders are still full and I only see an occasional mockingbird pass by. Do the birds know something we don't?
We have noticed this as well. Check this link and maybe you will find out for all of us...I don't have time to read it right now. http://faculty.ncwc.edu/MBrooks/pif/Bird Profiles/bird_profiles.htm Love birds, Sherry
Here's a story from the Asheville Citizen-Times about this year's Christmas bird count. Results won't be in for a week or two, I'll try to remember to post when I see the final report.
I think part of the problem is that it's been warm and there are more insects out there to gobble up. Once it gets cold again, I bet you'll see more birds. BUT.............. Be sure to check your feeders. With all the rain we've had, even though your feeders may look full, if the rain has soaked into the seed in the bottom of your feeders and spoiled it, the birds will naturally avoid eating it.
I keep my feeders clean and dry and lately I have hd to refill them every 2 days. Had a big lull for a while. ??
They are all at my house!! I have 2 feeders and they have been swarming them! Just this AM there were 3-4 at a time at the feeders and when those would fly off, others would fly in. I love watching the birds!
I've not noticed a lull here. Yesterday morning there were the usual suspects flying around, and one even bumped into my dining room window (no, it's not that clean). I think he was telling me the feeder needed a refill.
We have a big hawk hanging around our birdfeeder; he sits on top of it. Perhaps he is scaring the other birds away...
The birds at my feeders seem to come in waves. I get a whole bunch then there's no birds it seems, for quite awhile. Awesome Hawk Photo!!...btw I have a sharp shinned hawk that hunts my feeders from time to time. He/she silently flys through the yard and snatches a small bird that was unaware on my feeder. All you see when he's gone is a few small feathers wafting through the air.
Where are the frogs Along the same line... We have always had a lot of green tree frogs around our house during the warmer months. This summer I think I saw one. I worry about this because frogs are like a canary in a coal mine. When they start disappearing it could be a harbinger of some bad environmental event.
I've seen a big decline in the green tree frogs this year too, which I thought was strange given all the rain we had. I don't use fertilizer or insecticide here. Mainly because fertilizer makes the grass grow, which means I have to mow more often!
Well, next season I will have to pay you a visit and relocate some. Even with our pond we did not see any. Saw our lizards and snakes but not one frog. Sherry