Yes, I have called the dr, but wondering if anyone on here has ever experienced this before I talk to him! I have had a dry cough for 2 months, and it's driving me crazy! It started the first week of November, and it's not getting any better. At first, it was only happening when I ate or drank something, especially if I drank something cold like ice water, or ate something dry like crackers or peanuts. Now I'm doing it all day every day. I was also having nauseau at the same time, went to the dr 2 weeks ago and he thought it was acid reflux and prescribed me prevacid and an inhaler to help me open up my airways. Well, my tummy ache is gone, but my cough is getting worse. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? I don't cough at night when I sleep, which is great, but as soon as I'm up, it starts, and it goes ALL DAY LONG! Now my throat and chest are starting to hurt, and I feel weak, I think from all the coughing. I'm only 32 years old, and have never smoked, and am otherwise healthy. I'm supposed to go to the dr tomorrow for a follow up, but am trying to get in today if they get an opening, just wondering if my smart 4042ers would have any input?
no, I don't take any blood pressure meds, and not sure about upper respiratory. I know he listened to my lungs and didn't hear anything, I haven't had a fever...would that happen with that kind of infection?
I am responding strictly on what you've written and truly don't know the extent of the cough and how severe the cough is at the time it occurs but... have you changed anything in your daily life where you would be around folks who smoke. It might not be that there is a smoker in your home but possibly you frequent an establishment which allows smokers.
you don't necessarily have a fever with an URI....and they are hard to diagnose and usually come after several rounds of antibiotics with no result.
just an FYI after you do your inhaler you should rinse your mouth out or brush your teeth.. as for the cough try some honey to see if it helps sooth it. It could be an allergy to something this time of year, have you been around any live Christmas trees lately. This is why I dont have a live one anymore. If your regular doc can not help your try an allergist.. Good luck
gosh Mom2....I think you just diagnosed me....I had a dry little aggravating cough for a its gone.....and so is the live Christmas tree....I'll be damned.... THANKS SISTER!! :cheers:
I am thinking allergy too. Is this about the same time you turned the heat on? Maybe change the filter?
we didn't get a tree this year, so that's not it. i hope it's not the heat, or I'll always go through this in the winter! we change the filters regularly, as my hubby and son have allergies. people have asked me if it's the cat, we got the cat a month before it started. But I thought allergies were usually sneezing/itchy/watery eyes, not coughing?
nope it can be allergies, but thinking about heat if your house is dry it could cause it, try sleeping with an hunidifer to put moisture back in the air, my mom runs one all day in the living room because of dry air..
haha I know some things about allergies I have food allergies, tree, grass and animal allergies. So I can tell you somethings about it all LOL
it never even crossed my mind about the live tree.... Thanks! Dr.Mom2One!!! :hurray: makes sense too, about the dry heat....and if you dont have a humidifier, you can just boil water on the put moisture in the air....I do that alot this time of year.
yep I always think about it like a baby, during this time of year if they have a bad cough and you take them outside when its cool the moisture in the air helps soothe them, if could be the same for DMJ...
Same problem here DJ did you notice that you did not have as big as problem being outside on rainy days and that your breathing was better while in the shower. Going to see the Doctor about it myself later today, drinking lots of tea and Mucinex (cough has been dry but felt some congestion in the lungs)
we actually have a built-in humidifier through-out the house that's been on for about the past month, we turn it on when the heats on. We also sleep with an air cleaner on by our bed, due to hubby's allergies.
does your humidifer on the house have a filter, have you checked it this year.. I would go to an allergiest if you can't get rid of it..
I actually have not taken cough syrup, I just checked and don't have any, only for kids. I have tried drinking water, makes it worse. Tried cough drops, makes it worse. Even chewing gum aggravates it! I don't really like tea, but might try some just to see...The inhaler makes it worse as well, that's why I didn't try the cough syrup, I'm just assuming it won't work either. I think this is some alien life form of a cough never seen by humans before, and nothing on this planet will work!
I will tell you cough drops will make it worse because it can thicken the mucas in your throat, especially the ones with sugar. You can try some hot water with some lemon or honey.. or a shot of whiskey with lemon and honey. The mucinex may also help even though its a dry cough something is aggravating the cough. Just a question while you where out of town where you around a cat, if not was the cough better?