Does anyone have any old copies of these you'd like taken off your hands? They don't take them at the used bookstore, so I was wondering if anyone had a box to get rid of. We're using the covers in an art activity; it doesn't matter what the stories are inside.
Hum, I'm with Jen...give us a little time to look around. I would guess we have some in our book boxes...................need any romance covers..............boy do we have bunches and bunches from a relative who loves those type of books. Will put the teen to looking soon. Yulk, Sherry
If you have any, let me know and I'll come get them. The RD condensed book covers are strong enough to do this project, plus they are almost all the same size. (I have found one that wasn't identical; it seems to be an aberration.) Thank you!
Sorry, what I thought were RD were something different. Boxes were checked but none found. Good luck, Sherry