Just was wondering what you all are doing for New Year's Eve Celebrations. With so many layoffs, and the troubled economy we will be staying home this year. Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! Let's hope that 2009 is better than 2008 was:jester:!!!!
Going to bed early, as usual. Hopefully the fireworks won't wake me. Have a happy and safe new year everyone.
we took our son to Mt. Olive and watched the pickle drop. They drop the pickle at 7 p.m. so everyone can be in bed by midnight! Not much to it. I'm glad we can say we did it. Supposedly it's one of the top ten quirkiest things to do in America for New Year's Eve. Got a tee shirt for Dangerboy and my son. And as you see we are home by 9 pm. Had time to stop and eat at McCall's! Here is the Mt. Olive Pickle Company website and the news section talks about the pickle drop and also here is the website for the 10 ten quirkiest New Year's celebrations. For anyone who is interested! http://www.mtolivepickles.com/ http://www.tripadvisor.com/PressCenter-i219-c1-Press_Releases.html DB's wife
Went and saw Nights At Rodanthe and then went to eat at Cracker Barrel. Home by 10pm in time to see the end of the Canes game.
We had our party at home with our boys. Had party food, 5 yo and I made signs, hubby tried buying party hats but they didn't have any at Party city. We had our toast at 8 pm with sparkling grape juice (it was nasty!) and played bingo with the kids. Then they watched Spongebob movie and we watched 88 minutes and were all asleep by 10:30...Oh what a night!
Went to a friends house for dinner, watched the **** Clark Rocking NY Eve at 12:00, toasted with sparking white grape juice (that is SOOO much better than champaigne!) and were home by around 1:00. Today - Watching TV, napping and cooking my Collards and Black Eye Peas! A nice relaxed way to bring in the new year, Happy 2009 everyone!!
A couple of friends, a couple of bottles of wine, and a quiet evening by the fire talking and watching the ball drop. D. Clarrk really lokked bad, better than the last times but still bad. I think someone broke his painting in the attic. I also discovered I could drink at least a little (2 glasses) of ice wine. I am usually afraid of the migrain that can follow to drink wine any more but had to try this wine. According to a friend in the wine business the artifical cork may be all I need, but for now I will stick to this very nice dessert type wine. If anyone else has a problem with migraines from wine you may wish to consider an ice wine especially one without a natural cork.
We had a gift certificate for 4 for a free night at Bogarts in Ral for NY's eve. Food was awesome, but it was way too crowded to even get on the dance floor! We danced maybe 20min, toasted in the NY and got home about 1am. We had a good time with good friends - but I really wish it hadn't been so crowded with all those drunk youngins.......:? Where can us older folks go out dancing in the area? HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :hurray: :hurray:
I get the feeling it was a pretty quiet New Years compared to year's past. I was in Lowes Foods yesterday and there wasn't anyone in there either. I ran into a few people there I knew, and they all said they were just staying home this year with their families and not going out either. I don't know if people just don't like to go out anymore, or if it's due to the economy, or a little of both?
Me and my daughter went to my parents to hang out. We played the Wii Fit for hours..yes hours lol. I love that thing. My legs are like jelly this morning lol My brother was there along with my niece when she got off of work. We all made it till 12 and then left after and I hoped there was no drug drivers on my way home. I slept in till 10 this morning lol, never done that before. Happy new year everyone!
I actually thought Richard )0 Clark looked great for his age, but the stroke really has left his speech in a bad way. I have to feel bad for him, but admire him for all he's done and his will to keep on. Watched Clapton and friends(John Mayer, Steve Winwood, Buddy Guy among others) Crossroads concert from Chicago (2007) , Blue Man Group, then Zappa Plays Zappa, all on channel 4. Couldn't stay awake till 2 to see Bob Marley. At home with family, these were the best of times....!!!