Ugh! The neighbor behind me - his kid got a dirt bike for Christmas (Joy To The World. . .NOT!) This kid is riding the thing around their yard of all places (they have less than 3/4 acre) and taking the thing behind my fence (driving my dogs NUTS) and onto the empty wooded lot next door to me, then back. My dogs have been chilling out and then flying out the dog door, off the deck and freaking out at the fenceline every 10-15 minutes and it's driving me buggy! Dirt bikes have their place, but that place is not in one's back yard when it's that size. I hate to be a witch, but this is ridiculous! ps - we are outside the limits of Four Oaks - if that matters
Call the Sheriff's Office. Not much you can do unless they have a local noise ordnance. Even then, you might not be able to enforce that until after a certain time of night. There is no state law against it. It's their property after all. Have you gone to talk to them about it?
The son was at his moms house till yesterday - so didn't have to deal with the irritation until today. The father and step-mom are out (at work) so came on here and asked to see if there was an ordinance so that when I do go over and have a chat (I'm in and out today) I'd be able to cite restrictions if there were any. I might add that we will be setting up a camera (motion detect type) soon, as over night some gas disappeared from my tank. Since the kid doesn't have a job, I can't help but wonder where he's getting gas from - he has a reputation around here for that type of thing, but figured we were safe with property protected by DOG to the fourth power. If I get proof it's him, may God and the law protect him.
I would talk to the parents before I did anything. If you get no relief there, then call the Sheriff's Office and ask them. They will be able to tell you what you can and can't do.
He does ride it on MY property - when he cuts over to the empty lot about a dozen times an hour. I just did a crappy job of articulating that in my op. 10 feet of the property on the other side of my fence belongs to ME - then the trees start - We set the fence up this way so that we could always be able to maintain it and not be on someone elses property.
Just ask them nicely to stay off of your property and note the day you do it. Also tell them you will contact the authorities if it still happens. Most rational people would just tell their son to not dare ride on your property, but 1. there sure are a lot of non rational people out there and 2. this kid does not sound like he may even listen to his parents. I hope it's easily resolved and doesn't turn into too much of a nightmare for you.
I guess she got the gist when I stated he has a 'reputation' - vandalism, some petty theft. . .underage drinking. . .just one of those kids that for some reason attracts trouble. The other havoc mongers that used to hang with him have moved, prior to that, I think the local law had them all on a list of 'usual suspects' The father can't control him - he spoke to me about it in the past - he said "I want to be his best friend and have him be able to talk to me about everything, and love me." I said, "Kids are no different from dogs when it comes to discipline - they have to respect you before they will trust you (be able to talk to). You can't be best buddies with a kid who gets out of control and you aren't doing him any favors by backing down." Of course, my advice fell on deaf ears.
Like I said before. You could save yourself a big headache if you go talk to the parents. As you're doing that, give them a warning that they cannot trespass on your property. Also, post a sign and if they do it again, call the Sheriff's Office. Other than that, there isn't anything you can do about it.
An Eye for an Eye Well you didn't hear it from me but, if he leaves his dirtbike outside at night you could always get a drain pan and go over there and drain the oil out of the motor and put the drain plug back in. and when he starts up the bike he will seize the motor instantly. end of problem... no more motorbike. You suspect he is stealing your gas so,- An Eye for an Eye!!!!!!
LOL - well, I thought about going out to the other side of the fence and digging a nice trench in MY dirt. . .BUT I wouldn't do that sort of thing - he might fall down and go boom right into my fence and damage it:neutral: - seriously though, I wouldn't hurt the kid unless I caught him with a hose down my gas tank, then I'd break his hand and not give a darn about him being underage. . .I'd take my punishment from the law and be happy to do it. . .teach the moron a lesson. I wouldn't ever damage someones property, it's too high school for my taste, but it is a nice lil fantasy. DH just went over and spoke with the kid - who told him that his dad told him he could only ride the thing in their yard. . .so DH said, well cutting through the back of ours and going onto the lot isn't staying in your yard, so if you have to ride it in your yard, fine. . .just stay off our property, or I'lll have a talk with your dad about it and he'll hear from me that you're taking it off your property. If the kid keeps it away from the fence, it is just a noise annoyance - if he runs it down the strip behind our fence (the property lines are staggered like bricks) and those dogs go nuts, DH will have to follow through. Still getting a camera set up to monitor my gas. Being self-employed, I keep really close records on gas mileage, fillups and miles traveled - for certain someone got me for some last night - while I'm pretty sure I know who did it, I will wait till I have proof and look out!:boxing: