ok now you need to step OFF!!! you have no idea who kellbell is or the wonderful things she does for her friends and strangers ON THIS BOARD!!! she does not need praise like others simply does it quietly....expecting nothing in return! she IS one of the most compassionate people i know!!!
Just when I am trying to decide which Kindergarden to send my daughter in the fall.....I get this and is this 2nd time its happened at this school.
I have never heard of the 1st time. I just told my roommate to call the school cause her son goes there. My daughter and her daughter go the elementary school. I'm thinking they may send something home with the kids I would hope telling us what happend. I can't get over that there is nothing on the news about this. Sheri
Step back or off, I"m always looking for praise but haven't found it yet, let me know if you find it.
From what I was told nothing will probably be sent home because Mrs. Norris said it's all handled. Lovely!
Step off? Are we going to fight? Are you fresh out the hood? She might be compassionate in those ways - I never said she was not. However, the comments I read on this thread were not compassionate - they were shallow and self-centered and I was disgusted by it as I was by other similar comments. You said nothing uncaring was posted, I disagreed.
<<Insert Referee Whistle Here>> Good gracious folks! Let's all take a deep breath and :grouphug: Hopefully all the kids will be fine and this poor person will get the help they need.
And this is compassionate: We clearly have two different definitions. And she may be Mother Theresa with everyone else, but clearly doesn't care about people who have mental illness.
gosh and you have never been self centered when it comes to your kids....ever. go ahead and nit pick.....throw that first stone disgusted is a great word choice too.