My son isn't home yet and unless he mentions anything I will not be asking. I am happy nothing happened with a child and I am also happy nothing happened to the adult. They will more than likely get the help they need. Maybe the school isn't releasing to much info in order to protect the children and anyone involved. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and should not be condemned for it. How something like this turned into a p***ing match is sad.
No problem there, I just caught up. I was holding my breath when I picked up mine at school and she was like "guess what happend this morning?" Of course she didn't say anything about "that". She is at the elem. school so that is a good thing. As long as she doesn't say anything, I'm not saying anything. And for the most part she always tells me more then I want to know anyways, so I'm sure she really doesn't know. Sheri
OK so 19 pages, an all out fight, and still no facts as to what happened and who this adult was/is. . .a visitor, employee, parent? What method did they try with gun, knife, pills, math? Sorry - had to lighten up a tad. I don't understand why someone who is suicidal (truly suicidal) would choose a school or any other public place to pull this sort of thing - I'm not trying to be cold0hearted, but the fact is IF you really want to off yourself, you simply do - when you do this sort of thing in a public place - its a cry for help - they had no intention of ending their life - they need help, serious help.
I did ask and it got skipped over with the :boxing: Or no one really knows at this point or if they do they aren't telling us. Sheri
FACT ::::: Woman Attempts Suicide In Front Of Elementary School A 39 year-old Benson woman was hospitalized Monday after attempting to commit suicide at the entrance to McGee’s Crossroads Elementary School. It happened around 7:40am. Johnston County sheriff’s deputies said the victim pulled her blue SUV onto a median at the Highway 210 entrance to the school and placed a plastic bag over her head. A passing motorist stopped and removed the bag from the woman’s head and called 911, according to Sheriff's Detective Lt. Chris Strickland. She was transported to Johnston Medical Center in Smithfield for treatment. Authorities did not release the woman’s name but did say she would undergo a mental health evaluation. Officials do not believe any students at the elementary school saw the woman. WTSB File Photo
Soooo...wasn't even at the Middle school and it was way before kids got there. Wow...way off base at the start of all this. I tell you what as far as the kids go, I'm glad they weren't there and now I'm glad for what ever reason she made have had to do something like this she gets lot's of help... I'm breathing easier for my personal dealings with my child.... Sheri I'm gone for now, roommate has to use computer for work till hers get's fixed. :grouphug:
Beta Fish syndrome is the best explanation of what happen in this thread. When you put a mirror in front of a Beta Fish it flares up in defensive mode. The fish doesn't know it is simply looking at itself.
I'm so trying that when I get home :lol: We got a beta because we heard they were really hard to kill!