if it wasn't such touchy subject matter, i'd post the dancing cat. not appropriate in a suicide thread, though. i'm no tinman...
Speaking of snow women, I heard Seabee said that if he only had 2 more inches he would be a snow king, but the weather woman told him that if he had two less inches he would be a snow queen ..... :ack:
A bag over her head. . .I've been many times tempted to put a bag over my head early in the morning while I'm out and about:neutral:
I will admit, I used to think that this was a stupid and selfish act. However, 2 yrs ago, my brother in law did this, and it was a great learning time for myself. My grandmother and uncle both killed themselves when I was young, and we never dealt with it. So, when my brother in law did, I was angry and said a lot of nasty things to my sister. But, in praying and talking to others, I realized that he was just very sick. These people aren't in their right mind. They are truly sick, and just don't know what else to do. I hope that others can see that they aren't being selfish. I do still think it's a little stupid. Life isn't truly that bad, there is always a way to help a situation. I do see in your case that your uncle didn't really have many alternatives. But, others do, and there is a lot of help, but they don't know how to ask for it.
Okay, didn't see a thing about this on the local news but maybe it should be personal. Glad children did not see anything, that we know of. Glad someone helped the woman and now she can get the treatment needed. So sad, Sherry
I totally agree except that if you say that people are sick and not in their right mind then you have to know that they don't see that life isn't that bad and that there is help. Rational people not suffering from mental illness know these things, but when consumed with the darkness that is mental illness there is no hope, which is the worst thing in the world. I am sorry that you had to experience suicide firsthand, but it sounds like it did cause you to look at things differently and find compassion for those suffering which is the good that can come out of tragedy.
From wtsb www.1270wmpm.com Woman Attempts Suicide In Front Of Elementary School A 39 year-old Benson woman was hospitalized Monday after attempting to commit suicide at the entrance to McGee’s Crossroads Elementary School. It happened around 7:40am. Johnston County sheriff’s deputies said the victim pulled her blue SUV onto a median at the Highway 210 entrance to the school and placed a plastic bag over her head. A passing motorist stopped and removed the bag from the woman’s head and called 911, according to Sheriff's Detective Lt. Chris Strickland. She was transported to Johnston Medical Center in Smithfield for treatment. Authorities did not release the woman’s name but did say she would undergo a mental health evaluation. Officials do not believe any students at the elementary school saw the woman. WTSB File Photo
I can understand that some people have a mental disorder that makes them think this is ok. But seriously...a bag over your head. If you're 39 years old and this is the BEST solution you can come up with. In front of an elementary school that has kids about to walk in the doors, that is pretty pathetic. K
I've been many times tempted to put a bag over some heads in my past ....:jester::jester::jester::lol::lol::lol:
I truly wonder what made this woman stop at that particular spot to do this or did she just randomly decide to pull over there. We will probably never know, but I do hope she gets the help she obviously needs.