Got a gift. cert. for Christmas. Brutal woman thinks she is a podiatrist and pulled an ingrown nail out. My toe still hurts!!
Are you asking if that's the woman's name that did it, or telling her to sue?? Ouch, that sounds awfully painful! I'd tell you to go to the place at White Oak, but then if you go over to the neighborhood side and read that thread, you might not want to, but I'll leave that up to you...:jester:
My teenager went there to get her eyebrows done and she messed up her eyebrows really bad! They looked horrible! :cry:
I went there years ago and always came out in pain, they go to town with that dremel - always thinned my nails too much.
She pulled your entire nail out? On purpose? Honestly, in some states (maybe NC included) that is NOT legal! Infections could set in requiring antibiotics and/or permanent damage done to the matrix (the part of the nail that makes it grow aka the mother of the nail) I'm licensed in NJ still and that action there would cause someone deep trouble with the State Board.
No, she just pulled out the ingrown piece. How long do I wait before going to a doc? I have been soaking with epsom salt and putting peroxide, and it still hurts.
If it is swollen and hot to the touch, I'd see a doc ASAP - if it's an infection just starting, better to have antibiotics and ointment like neosporin than wait and have it swell up to be something that needs to be lanced. I'd also call the salon and tell them your toe is messed up and that you are going to a doctor - I'd hit them with the bill. . .I still don't think she should have been messing with it - course I didn't see it prior, but it is still a gray area as far as what nail techs should and shouldn't do in most states. Sometimes there will be pain till nail grows over the portion of the skin that's sore - even if it isn't infected - as that area is used to being covered by the nail. Sore is probably normal, but swollen and red is not. Without seeing it myself, it's hard to say, but you can likely make the call.
I have been putting neosporin on it. It does not seem swollen, but tender to the touch. It does not help that I stubbed it earlier either. I will soak it once more tonight and re-***** tomorrow. Ok, I will re-evaluate tomorrow. Geez..sensitive. LOL I will also call Nail Tek and complain. The other tech saw me yelling in pain, so I have back up.