Yes, they still have all the other weight machines (the old circuit), treadmills, elipticals, stair steppers, single weights, aerobics room etc.
The only thing I noticed that is gone is the circuit. I was kinda bummed at first because I did use that but I really don't miss it. I will say, the owner seems to have a much more out-going personality versus before. She is very encouraging each time I am there...she makes a point to come over and give me words of encouragement or just say hi. She has been very helpful.
ok i am confused, bandmom says the circuit is still there and PG says it is not - am i just being blond and not understanding?
I think they mean the old circuit (the Curves type of equipment) is no longer there. They still have the weight circuit machines. (leg press, leg curl, bicep, lat pulldown, etc)
thanks for the clarification - i was actually talking to DH last night about joining again - i did it one time and went at lunch when i worked close to home but then things started getting in the way at lunch time, broke the stupid ankle and foot and just quit. Now since they are right near my house i could go on the way home in the evenings - anybody have any idea how crowded it is in the evenings, do you have to wait for the machines?
Dana is still the owner, but she is not usually there in the evenings - the bubbly one in the evenings is probably Janie (that may be who she's referring to?)
By then or 7pm it may be cleared up again. I use to go around 7-7:30 and it wasn't too crowded then. Maybe get the free week pass and go see how crowded it is at your time? Plus - right now there will be more folks joining (resolutions and all), so may be more crowded for a while.
so do you have to join for a year or is it monthly? anyone that has ever sees me knows I know nothing about a is it guys and gals? Big and small?
Don't know that much about the membership fees etc as I have been a member for yrs......... It's only women - all sizes! :cheers:
when we did the buddy deal a couple years ago, it was only if you signed a year membership and it is deducted directly from your checking account, since the name has changed and all, i am not sure if still the same though. oh and get yourself down to the Pets thread and fill us in
ok ok I did .... Stop the be good. We are doing a biggest looser thing here at work. I am thinking about doing some of the exercises they are doing a few times a week. I can not compete due to other health reasons but I figured why not? I need all the help i can
While I was off last week, I went during the day and pretty much had it to myself! In the evenings (I go from 6-7:15ish) there is a crowd but lots of them are in the class going on in the other room. I have not had to wait for amachine yet...I mix up my workout and just go to ones that are open!
She is still there. As I mentioned, last week she was there when I was there during the day. Saturday I was there in the am, Sunday the afternoon, and this week in the evening and she has been there each time. She has been great!
I joined not quite a year ago with a friend and paid for my year up front and received a second year free! I do remember a one-time joining fee (I think around $50).
4Christ and I just joined at lunchtime (how ironic) LOL Anyway, it was a one time membership fee of $69 and $24.99 a month and you had to sign a one year contract or more..... We start the torture tomorrow :ack: