What do you think? Cleveland Library, 16,000+ books, issuing cards in Jan.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Ron Still, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. Ron Still

    Ron Still Well-Known Member

    Cleveland Library announces January plans:
    1. Thanks to our residents, friends, and volunteers, the library received more than 16,000 (free to the library) donated books, which the library has been lending to the community since August on an honor system. Over 800 arrived last Saturday. The Cleveland Collection is already 25% the reported size of Clayton's 81-year old library. It has a book to resident ratio of 1:1, while Johnston County only advertises 1.7:1.
    2. The library will sell its initial rejects, excess copies, and purged books in the lobby. Another small bookshelf is due to be donated, allowing us to display more sale books.
    3. Order the inventory and checkout scanner January 7.
    4. Order the plastic library cards January 8 and start issuing library cards this month - bids and proofs are about finished.
    5. Order the book bar code labels January 9 - bids and proofs are about finished.
    6. Continue testing web based operations software - we are already running over the Internet.
    7. Build the collection catalog based on the Library of Congress records (MARC style) - it is already being tested on the Web.
    8. Volunteers are needed to build shelving. More than another 180 linear feet of shelf units are needed.
    9. Volunteers are needed to shop and haul shelving materials in-we lack a truck.
    10. We need a source for good quality non-split and straight 1"x8" boards.
    11. Volunteers will be neded to add the bar code to the books and build the collection's database. Only then will our residents be able to browse the collection from home and use automated checkout.
    12. Karen Stark,librarian, is looking for one or more assistants.
    13. Volunteers are needed to sort books in preparation for shelving.
    14. Advisors and general comments on what you want in the collection are needed.
    15. Cleveland Library will support the Arts Council efforts to increase reading in Johnston County and will stock and promote the reading of To Kill a Mockingbird in February.

    Web site: http://4042needs.org/library/
    E-mail: library@4042needs.org
  2. JellyBean

    JellyBean Well-Known Member

    this sounds fantastic. One request...TRY to get movies too (eventually) as I have found that libraries here don't lend movies...and up north they all seem to.

  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Ron has movies. :)
  4. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    FYI from the libary web site....

  5. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    What are the boundaries for the Cleveland Township? Anyone know?
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Middle Creek is the southern boundary. Not sure where the line is on the Clayton side.
  7. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    Johnston Co. Library (main branch in Smithfield) has lots of movies.

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