My SIL is frantically getting ready for this. The women in my neighborhood have already planned carpooling to utilize the largest vehicles with the most cargo room. I was told that people sell advance passes (for seller day) on Craigslist, that the line for seller day will wrap around the building, and that a good 'shopping cart' to bring is a large rubbermaid garbage can on wheels. It it really worth the hype? Thanks!
SIL said that the shopping is worth it because it's more like yard sale pricing than consignment store pricing. She is selling a bunch of GAP, Gymboree, Hannah Anderson, etc. clothes for $1-2 per piece (outfits for $3-4 a set). She said you have to price this low because there's so much competition. My first thought was that someone wheeling a garbage can through there is probably looking to resell, as that's a LOT of stuff to buy.
I went once and that was it for me. Nasty, over priced junk is what's up there. I much rather spend a little more then to go up there. They need to start looking at what's put up there. I buy and sell at
might as well enjoy it this year, because come Feb. it could be illegal to sell used kid clothing and toys. Check it out and a video link
I do sell my kids clothes here, and have always had good luck. It's a lot easier than me doing a yard sale, and getting $1 a piece for clothes. I have only shopped once, and decided it wasn't worth it for next time. Too long a line.
FWIW--- I have shopped there 3x... 1st yr went w/ a seasoned veteran buddy, she had her kids red wagon & 2 laundry baskets to sort clothes. She was good!! I (with her help) got a ton of great stuff for about yard sale prices. 2nd yr DH& I went - did good not great- but we needed less too. Last year - I saw far far far too many RAGS hung up as shirts, jeans w/ both knees ripped out, things w/ missing buttons and such TOTAL CRAP as that. I told the floor boss that I was very dissapointed at the quality of the clothes and that this was my LAST time buying from them. She & I talked a while. I think she planned to get the word to the big boss about checking the sale quality before junk went out to the floor. It is very busy, long lines and all that every year. YMMW.
News last night said that the second hand shops probably will not be kept from selling second hand toys and I believe clothing.
Last year, the quality was crap. I'll probably try again this year, but if it hasn't improved, I won't be back.
I have shopped nearly every sale for 8 years. I have always gotten enough good deals to make it worth it for me. I used to always sell there too but my clothing hasn't sold that well, even though it was good quality and low priced. I think it's because the sale hasn't gotten too huge and they have this one in January for Spring and Summer clothes and the one in July is for Winter. I don't think anyone is ready to purchase their kids' summer wardrobe a few weeks after Christmas. The consignor day to shop is crazy and so is Saturday but I've always found Friday is not too bad. The CPSC had a press release yesterday that says that the consignment sales and stores will not have to lead test their items which is good news for us bargain hunters and small business owners like the new Lil Joeys up at 42.
Yes, I saw that too, but I still not sure on the whole idea. Also, if you want to find out if an item has been recalled click here
I have always gotten all of my clothes for my 3 kids from the kids part why I wanted to open up my own store. But, I have always been a super volunteer, meaning I get to shop a day before the consigners and 2 hours before the other volunteer's. There are only 100 of us, and you can find some really really good deals. Now I will say that I shopped one year at the volunteer sale and then the next day at the consigner sale, and OMG...never would I have waited in all of that mess. I mean it can be crowded when I shop, but good grief, it is insane when they do. So my is worth it to volunteer and shop before everyone else. Also, it is amazing what all is gone by the time it is open to the public. They dont even realize how much has already sold. Also, if you are looking for bigger ticket items like a crib, stroller, etc. It is MOST DEFINITELY worth it to volunteer. They usually have so many and there are some that are dirt cheap just b/c they dont want to have to pick them back up. Also if you volunteer you get to shop a couple hours early on the 1/2 price day, before it opens to the public. So like I said it can be worth it, but I LOVE to find good deals, so mabye thats why (another reason I openend up my own store). Hope this helps, if you have any questions feel free to pm me.