Another one bites the dust.....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KellBell, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Goody's Family Clothing Closing All 287 Stores
    A number of local employees may be searching for new jobs as the recession has taken its first major casualty of 2009. Knoxville, Tennessee based discount clothing chain Goody’s Family Clothing will begin liquidating all of its 287 stores on Friday. Goody's has stores in several local towns including Smithfield, Dunn, and Clinton. Local Employment Security Commission offices had not been informed about the store closings as of Thursday morning. As part of a reorganization plan, the company had already closed and liquidated dozens of under performing stores last year. But when shoppers spent less this Christmas, the 59 year-old retailers was forced to seek bankruptcy protection for a second time. It remains uncertain what will happen to the company’s 9,800 workers in 20 states after the liquidation, which is set to be completed by March. Without a last minute buyer or investor, most, if not all, could loss their jobs.

  2. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I feel for the employees but it is/was a nasty store to me.
  3. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member


    I went in one, once.
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Aw, I hate that. We always went to the one in Smithfield when we were down that way - kind of a 'hit or miss' store, found a few things and they did have good prices! DD will be dissapointed, she liked it more than me! Guess now we need to head down there for the big close-out sale :)
  5. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member


    I usually found some nice stuff there when they had sales.

    (other then that is was a bit overpriced for the quality....)
  6. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I LOVE GOODY'S !! I'm going shopping this weekend .......yep yep!
    I know I will have to hit it up a few times before they actually close the store for good. They already have great deals, I can't imagine how good the sales will be when they are closing up....... I'm excited!!
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Hated the Smithfield store, but have been to a few that were decent up in VA.
  8. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i have never been to one down here but like kdc said, went to them up in VA and were always pretty decent with decent prices.
  9. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Where else will I be able to find clothes made in China that fall apart after one season?

    ...oh, yeah. Wal-Mart.
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Now now, they did carry the Duck Head brand which I always found to be pretty sturdy.
  11. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

  12. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I hate it for the employees. I cannot even guess how many more like this we are going to see. It's going to get way worse before it gets any better, in my opinion.

    Poor folks,
  13. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I'll make a prediction even Stevie Wonder can see coming. You know how we have all these Mexican restaurants around Clayton, 40/42 and Smithfield? I think they will be closing left and right as well. We went to El Sombrero in Smithfield last night and were two of the four people there.
  14. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Yeah, hate it for the workers, but love it for my purse...........nothing like a clearence sale!
  15. monaco177

    monaco177 Guest

    Store Closings

    It does not matter if this chain of stores was a good or bad place to shop. I have personally never been to these stores, but the closing of this chain of stores is just another sobering example of how the economy is affecting peoples lives. It remains to be seen of how deep of an impact that this country will further need to sink before the rebound takes place. It is very bad news for all the workers in ALL industries which are being hurt because of the recession. It's a damn shame that people who have busted their a**es all of their lives are being kicked to the curb because of all of the stupid mistakes that have been made, and the inability of our so called government leaders to not have had some indications of this recession. It is both the Republican and Democrats fault for the mess that this country is in, and I just cannot understand why the U.S. lawmakers pass a bailout and AIG Executives go on a lavish celebration using OUR tax dollars to get richer while the average middle class American family struggles to meet the monthly bills and put food on the table. These are indeed very tough times. All I can do is pray that the economy will get better.
  16. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Do the American public not share some blame?

    After all we are the overly excessive consumers who for the past two to three decades have bought tons of stuff we don't need. To some degree that makes for an artificial economy. The advertising industry does a wonderful job at convincing people to buy, buy, and buy some more because it is a 'good deal'.

    I am not saying people should go without buying what they want when they want it (its a free country and it is their money), but they share in the blame. To some degree this can be chalked up to a market correction and what shakes out is the realization that some goods or services just aren't needed and those providers die off.
  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    what's the theory behind your prediction?
  18. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    I have to say yes Harvey! We consumers have been living way to far out of our means for too long!! I hate to see this happening to the economy but I don't think the end of the world is coming. People will still buy things, companies will still exist, new companies will still startup, people will get jobs (however, I do feel for those who have been victims in this as far as losing their jobs), people are still buying houses, people are still building houses.

    I tend to think this is a restructuring opportunity for all of us!!
  19. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Working in the bankruptcy field, we are getting busier and busier by the day due to all these lay offs and closings. It is so sad. Family after family and small business owners, big and small are coming in...........Houses are being let go, cars are being let go and devastating life changing decisions are being made by alot of these people. And the majority are people who have already been doing all they could to keep afloat. I see it everyday and it is not pleasant............I hope something gives somewhat and very soon.
  20. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Whole-heartedly agree 100% w/ Harvey & Shar! America has become a nation of over indulgent consumers. It's everywhere in the media. Everywhere. Teens saying I HAVE to have a cell phone or I HAVE to have a computer. Ah, no you don't! It's nuts. I see teenagers being given their first car. I worked my tail off for my first car and it was by no means anywhere being new--LOL. But I was proud b/c I did it myself. America I think is in for a big shift in thinking from a consumable economy to one of sustainability. All around there are more discussions of wants versus needs. This is huge. We've always been thrifty here and have never purchased "things" on credit cards. Our debt is different though not making an excuse for it. It is still debt. Ours came from a shady developer and a very long story. Either way, we've instilled in our kids (or tried to) the difference between wants versus needs. Is it nice to have a new car...yes. Do you HAVE to have that brand new $40K car? no. I'm not saying do w/ out, I'm just saying I think people need to really think things through more often about their desires versus what they really need. --Food, clothing and shelter. And not that designer clothing either--LOL. That will not be a need, I'm sure of it.

    I hate to see stores clothes for sure as it does mean lost jobs. But at another angle, I think it means that Americans are finally seeing that maybe there is just a little too much stuff being purchased. I think poeple are wanting more out of life and hopefully finding other ways to measure their happiness besides "stuff." I think the living beyond our means may finally go away in the future. It is tough now but new jobs will be created. Though I doubt is will be a posh tot type of company. BTW, I looked at one of those sites and said who in their right mind would pay $32 to $80K for a playhouse?! Yet, many do. Then I realized just how many folks that would be able to feed. I'm hoping this is a wake up call for some to see what really matters in life. Wish I could remember that famous quote about not taking stuff w/ you and what matters when you're gone. Think of it later.

    Again, just my 2 cents. Take it for what it's worth--LOL. I really feel for those who've lost their jobs and are looking. I'm hoping during that transition time though, those of us that still have jobs may lend a hand to those who've lost theirs. I do feel the 4042 community is awesome at helping people out. One of the reasons I love living here! I have received help before and given help too. It is so great to know that during rough times, we all have each other.

    Stephanie--mom to 7

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