Come on Stingy, if you are going to bash someone's intelligence on their minor spelling mistakes please make sure not to make one yourself on the reply. Really. :roll: Ms. Altman, I commend you on your honesty and frankly, bravery for coming on here to talk about your views. What I find a little humorous is the title of the thread and the outcome of it all. I have read each and every one of the posts. I had read your site previously and found it interesting a "common civilian" had the guts to come forward as an opponent. My husband and I talked about the race and then I came across this thread. I am impressed. So many people "talk" and take no action. You definitely are willing to "walk the walk". Barney, why do you drill on the "letters" from 30+ years ago and condemn her when all the families involved were only trying to find out answers about their family members? Is that your basis on your vote? It's a federal offense for a community to find out answers 30+ years ago? Stingy, do you have a family? Do you not consider them a part of the military? Or is it all about you? A new mother, baby without father, for over a year wondering if her husband is ok, wondering when he will be back, if he will be back? Are you to say they don't "understand" war? Let's open up here. There is more than just the soldiers that are involved in this. Yes, they are on the frontlines. But who do you think they call on when they need support? Family and friends. I don't think Sherry has "disappeared". I would assume preparing for an election would be very time consuming which brings me back to saying Sherry, thank you for your time with this forum. I would be more concerned if she spent too much time here. I appreciate someone that has the guts to say what they think and admit if they are not sure and investigate. There is only One with all the answers. :wink: It should be quite the interesting race.
Don't think this will be a race we'll have to stay up a real long time for to find out the winner. The most interesting part will be if Senator Smith gets at least 70% of the vote or not. Reality Check: No money=No chance.
You know I first thought that same thing, at first. But it really depends on the voters/votes. If she has enough support anything is possible. The sad truth is the majority of people don't vote. I still think it should be an interesting race.
So much attention is paid to the national race and issues, I think it is good that local politics is being discussed. They have a lot more day to day control over issues than national. Issues that effect you everyday. Schools, taxes, etc
Grysunshine asks: “Barney, why do you drill on the "letters" from 30+ years ago and condemn her when all the families involved were only trying to find out answers about their family members? Is that your basis on your vote? It's a federal offense for a community to find out answers 30+ years ago?” Please read Ms. Altmans post again. Sherry Altman stated; “When my dad went to Vietnam my mother and I moved to Alabama and stayed with my grandparents. He told both my mother and me that if anyone told us that he was POW or MIA not to believe them. He was in Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence and carried a capsule with him to take in the event of capture. He was undercover in Vietnam and was behind enemy lines for a while. During that time we did not hear from him. After six weeks with no word, while my mother and I sat in church, my mother could take it no more. She ran out of the church with me in tow. She cried all the way to the main post office and started banging on their door. Someone answered the door and my mother told them what she was going through and we were allowed to enter. All the employees, my mother and I sat on the floor going through tons of mail trying to find one piece that would show that my father was still alive. To our amazement we found several. He had been behind enemy lines the whole time and could not communicate with anyone. I would awake at night hearing my mother screaming from a nightmare she was having. Her nightmare was always the same; she would hear car doors and look out the window and see two soldiers coming up to the door. Before they could knock she would run out the back door into the woods because she did not want to hear what they were going to say.” Sorry but I see nothing about “all the families” and “a community” in her post. It does concern me that a candidate for the North Carolina Senate would come on a Community Bulletin Board and write about “going through tons of mail” inside an Alabama Post Office during a church service. Also she indicates her and her mother left a church service on their way to the post office. No where on her “sherry for senate” web site does she indicate her church affiliation. In fact the “Meet Sherry Altman” page on her web site indicates no membership in any civic, community, fraternal, or religious organizations. Most political candidates indicate their affiliations and accomplishments in their meet the candidate information. Other than the Democrat Party does she have any affiliations? I commend Ms. Altman on challenging Senator Fred Smith. It gives all voters an opportunity to indicate our opinion of how we feel Senator Smith has represented us. And finally, yes, Grysunshine, “It's a federal offense for a community to find out answers 30+ years ago?” when that involves a mother and daughter and all postal employees looking through tons of mail. Ask the Postmaster General or North Carolina’s Attorney General.
And there is no reason why it should, I have no idea what her religion is and see no reason why I should. In 14 pages you seem to be the only one who needs this information.
Maybe if they were "opening and reading" all of those letters I can see your point. But going through mail to find your own mail is different. If the post office saw it unlawful then I can understand. They let her in and helped her find her mail. There was a tragic war going on. It just seems like a stretch to find something here. IMHO.