So, as I've posted about Molly, we are having some skin issues. The new shampoo isn't really helping much and some of the research I have done has indicated that changing her diet may help, specifically not having corn or any corn byproducts in her food. Now, that is the hard part, having trouble finding readily available dog food without corn as the first or second ingrediant. I picked up Purina One for Senstive Systems last night that has salmon as the first ingrediant, and corn is pretty far down the list, but still there. I haven't been to Petsmart yet to see if they have anything. Anyone feeding their dog a corn-free food? Heaven knows, I don't want to have to start making my own dog food, but I don't want to pay $50 a bag either.:?
PM R2CMK. Not sure where she's been, I left a message for her early this week and haven't heard back from her? :cry:
Mayan had a skin allergy and i had to get her a special food, poor baby, her skin would turn so red and she would bite at it - i used a food i found at Pet Smart - Natura or something like that and it really helped a lot, i also gave her a baby's benadryl at night and there is a oil you can get at any pet store for "hot spots" that really soothes and helps too. Good luck, it took me years to figure out what was going on with her - dr's had told me she was allergic to everything from grass to carpet. Never did narrow down exactly what it was, but that combination took care of it and no i am not a dr and i do not play one on TV
Blue Buffalo (available at Petsmart) doesn't contain animal by-products, preservatives, fillers, or corn. It is one of the better commercial dog foods and because of it's high nutritional content and no fillers, you actualy feed your dog less of it. Less poop - better smell when they do too. Better coat, better health. Ditto with NuPro(supplement) and NutriMax If I didn't cook for mine, they would eat Blue Buffalo, Nutri-Max w/ NuPro Suppliment. My cats eat Blue Buffalo for cats and they are doing great - been eating it about 8 months now - one is 17 and the other will be 11 soon.
I was adding Nutro Max while you were replying - that's a great food too - those three are all I recommend to clients who don't want to cook for their dogs.
ok now i am confused but the one i used had different types, i know i switched to the one for elderly dogs when Mayan got older and was having arthritis problems - i would have to look at the bag, that i definitely remember
Nutro has a few different varieties - the Max is for dogs who will be larger than - I think it's 50 lbs. . . I work with a lot of BIG doggies. The NuPro Suppliment is a brownish color and smells good - it comes in a white plastic jar and you sprinkle it on dog food. You can add water or leave it plain. there is a variety for joints and one for coat and overall nutrition for the dog.
8)Thanks ya'll! At least I have a clue what to look for now!:hurray::hurray::hurray: Vet doesn't really know what her issue is other than it could possibly be "Schnauzer skin." Since she' not a full Schnauzer, I'm not sure if that's it or not. Another 3 weeks til we go back to the vet. He wanted to try the shampoo to see if that cleared it up (Benzoil Peroxide). Definitley not a flea allergy, which I had a hard time making him understand that I DON'T have fleas.
Either is a good quality food and both help with skin. You might try going to GNC and get their brand of triple cod liver oil capsules. It has the SAME ingredients that vets sell for 28.00 or more for like 60 capsules and with the GNC brand you get 90 in a jar for 8.99 or 9.99 and many times they have it 3 for the price of 1. The ingredients are the SAME - same individual units of each thing. For a Schnauzer you would give them 1-2 capsules with each meal - you really can't overdose. Little Frankie weighs 11 lbs and he gets 1 each meal. He will eat them like treats - some dogs won't eat them and you need to take a pin and puncture the capsule and squeeze it out. No side effects, except a bit of fish breath for a little bit after - beautiful sheen to coat! Itchy stuff goes bye-bye in a couple of weeks of regular use. Between that and the food, your pooch will be much better!
That's a great idea, thanks Zoo! I'll go to GNC tomorrow!! She's not as itchy as she was before Christmas, but she's definitley still got some spots going on. No hair loss, and she's been tested for any sort of parasite or fungus($$$$$$). gotta love 'em!
Nutro's food that doesn't contain corn is called Natural Choice. The large breed formulas do have some corn in them so make sure to get the regular formula (dark green bag). The company was recently sold to MARS, the same people who make M&M's, so be aware that there may be some changes in formulation in the near future. It sounds like your puppy may have skin issues as a result of the way she is groomed. If she has a schnauzer coat, optimally her hair would be "stripped" to prevent these bumps. At the very least carding her coat should help alleviate some of her skin problems.
IMHO, the best food you can buy is California Natural. The main ingredients are hormone/antibiotic free grade A chicken and rice. Aside from a few supplements, thats pretty much it. Of all pet foods, it has the least amount of ingredients. This being so, there is virtually no chance of probs. They also make a lamb/rice and salmon/sweet potato combos. Natura Pet There is also a comparison wizard that allows you to compare foods and ingredients. This is a great tool that explains ingredients as well as potential side effects. Wizard The food was recommended to me aways back and has been wonderful. Anyone I know that has tried the food never switches brands. The cheapest place to buy the food is in Cary at Discount Pet Supply. An added bonus is you get a bag free after purchasing 12. They'll provide free samples if you prefer.
That's just it, she's not a full Schnauzer. I had a thread called Molly's Extreme Makeover before Christmas, as you can see, she didn't look a whole lot like one til I had her clipped. I've always just brushed her, and bathed her with some special shampoo from the vet, not OTC. Got her clipped pretty much on a lark. The bumps showed up for no apparent reason last month, prior to getting her clipped. That started this whole odyssey, I could really see how bad they were once there was less hair to fight through. I'd be interested to learn more about that possibility though. :allears:
I'm really, really bad at typing (just ask LJK) but if you want to call me I'd be happy to talk to you. 919-625-4213
The Nutros Natural Choice is a great food! All of my dogs are on it. They have a formula especially for skin and coat that is rich in fatty omega acid supplements. If you want additional fatty omega acid supplements, check out Drs Foster & Smith ( It is a mail order pet supply and they have some really good products. My Pom had dry flaky skin when he was a young pup, I put him on the Nutros for skin and coat food and an additional supplement from Drs Foster & Smith and within 3-4 months he had nice clear skin and a beautiful shiny coat. The product is called Premium Plus Skin & Coat Tabs. See the write up below: *disclaimer* No, I do not rep for Dr Foster & Smith! Just like to share good product info! An adjunct to a healthy skin and coat maintenance routine * Rich in fatty acids necessary for healthy skin and coat * Omega-3s from fish and flaxseed oils * Omega-6s from borage and safflower oils Use as a booster in addition to your daily skin care products to aid in healthy haircoat maintenance. Offer your pets a balanced supply of Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids from sources such as flaxseed, fish oil, and safflower oils. Helps retain the skin's natural moisture, sheen and luster. Also contains the antioxidant nutrients Vitamins C and E plus zinc, necessary for skin and coat health. A great addition to your pet's healthy skin and coat regimen. Delicious liver flavor. For dogs and cats.
My Grizzy has itchy skin for unknown reasons too. I put a couple of teaspoons of flax seed oil on her food, and she loves it. Helps a lot. Without it she licks and bites herself raw constantly. She still licks somewhat but not nearly as bad.
My babies get mama's cooking most of the time...brown rice, sweet potatoes, green beans, roasted chicken but I also give them Blue Buffaloe from time to time. Their coats are gorgeous and they are very healthy. Dr. Mike says they look great and are in excellent health! I started using Blue Buffaloe when our baby, Elvis, was diagnosed with Lymphoma. It was originally created by a man whose dog was diagnosed with cancer and given very little time left to live. She lived fro 7 yrs. Our trainer is the one who first recommended this to us.
hey sorry i we keep missing each other, please give me a call when you can - they are taking flight:lol: