So what.... Whats your point????:jester::jester: Oh cheap shot artist... helmet to helmet expect the guy to be fined for that hit.
My point ... Don't mess with the Steelers :boxing: :mrgreen: Actually the play was good, nothing wrong with it, he won't be fined
of course I did girl...and it was McGahee that took the hit, he was on the Ravens....not the Cardinals...Keep your birds straight. :mrgreen::mrgreen: :boxing: Go Cardinals!
Cheaters... He should be fined. NO helmet to helmet hits period... Hey I want to know why not pull out the smelling capsules and get him back in the game... :jester: Remember those days, shoot they didn't know concussions then. I remember in High school one time getting the smelling salts to clear the head. Its funny now to think they were doing that back then, guy would be knocked for a loop and trainer is breaking several capsules to clear his head and get him back on the field.
HG knows what bird it was, she is giving you fair warning that they play dirty and you guys are next to get your head hit...
NEENER NEENER NEENER ....... GO STEELERS!!! :hurray::hurray::hurray: God Big Ben is hot!!! :drool::drool::drool: :mrgreen: Can I tackle him? :mrgreen: