I love it! They look so cute out there! I will have to get some of my babies out there, especially the husky! This is his first snow!
That's what was so funny to me, she just kept sticking her face under the snow...................she's crazy. I'll have to put her sweater back on when I take her out next time, she got cold, LOL.
One of my pugs loved it more then the other and she kept trying to get her to play. Lucy was like heck no, let me go potty and she is now under the heating blanket..what a wimp. Josie was running and sticking her face in it, she loved it and wasn't ready to come in. My chihuahua just went on the front porch and ate snow and ran back in. The kids are still out there, mine came in for a pee break, took me 20 min. to get her bundled up again. lol. I'm glad they got the snow finally to play in..just hate the part when they come back in and we have wet clothes every where. Sheri
Thank you! He was absolutely LOVING IT, I couldn't get him to come back in so I just let him run around for a while. It was funny watching him...
He is absolutely going beserk in the house. He is barking at me and whining at the door. He wants to be outside so bad, this is gonna be a long loud day lol