Question regarding broken arm

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Alright, we've been through MANY orthopedic processes w/ legs and arms. Very familiar w/ casts and all types of orthotic devices. That being said, my 13yo broke his arm on Monday evening skating. While I was getting 6 of mine vaccinated yesterday, I asked them to take a look at it while there. Nurse and I agreed that we highly doubted it was broken but better to be safe than sorry. Shocked that it was indeed broken. Not displaced, however, so that is a good thing. I haven't looked at the x-rays yet, have them on CD. Don't know if it is the radius or ulna that is broken. They did not have the ability to cast at Urgent Care and said they'd call me w/ ortho referral on Hwy 70. fine. Called them around 4:45 and had an appointment at place for casting. Called the place. URGHHH!!!! Said they'd see him NEXT week. Literally a week from today. Now, normally I wouldn't be concerned but I live in a home that is in constant motion. This arm will get broken more if let uncasted. I guarantee it. And yes, I speak from experience w/ one of our other children. I told them it was broken and they didn't seem alarmed. Now, we have a regular ortho for 3 of our other children that we see. However, the son w/ the broken arm is NOT a regular patient there. I'm calling today anyhow to see if they'll take him in just to cast it. My question to you is is it normal for them at an orthopedics place to wait a week after a break before casting? I mean this would be super quick casting. Should I sit in the office and "camp out" to be seen? I'm serious when I say it needs to be casted. Baffled that they'd knowingly leave a broken arm untreated for a week. Has this happened to anyone else's kids? If so, what did you do? Thanks.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    I would just take him to the hospital they will cast it. Don't tell me it was Max?
  3. tatertot36

    tatertot36 Well-Known Member

    Usually a splint is applied to keep the arm immobile until casting occurs several days later. The casting is delayed to allow for swelling that might occur in the first few days after the injury. Hope this helps.

  4. mom24

    mom24 Well-Known Member

    I would not think they would wait a week either. My daughter fell and twisted her ankle a few weeks ago and it wasn't healing proper and her ped said she needed to have an ortho look at it and we were able to get in that day and several place could have seen us the next day. So I would think a week is a little long. We went to Garner Ortho. Very pleased and as a bonus the doc is very easy on the eyes. :lol:

    I wouldn't wait a week.
  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Check your PM.

  6. shygrrl

    shygrrl Well-Known Member

    My DS broke his arm while we were out of town several years ago and the doctor told us that we could get a cast or just keep it in a sling. It was not displaced so he said it was up to us. But like in your case, he is "all boy" so we opted to get it casted to make sure he would not do more damage before it healed.
  7. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    LOL!!!-- it was indeed Max. Go figure. I know the ER will cast it. However, it would cost me another $100 co-pay if it is an ER visit. We just had an ER visit w/ Alyona earlier this week b/c she couldn't breath. URGHH. Think I may have a solution but waiting to hear. Thanks. Got to get the boys together for sure. Of course, it is his right arm.

    stephanie--mom to 7
  8. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    He was going to call to have Max over Sunday but we went to check out the liquidation sale at Circuit City. Then of course we went to all the malls out there, got some really good deals too. I hope he gets fixed up soon let me know.
  9. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all your help. We ended up calling our regular ortho guy who knows our family and has performed all of the surgeries on the kids. He also knows our situation at home and why it is imperative we get it casted asap. So, his nurse(also knows us--LOL) is going to do it first thing tomorrow morning..8:30am. Hooray. She was hoping to get us in today but tomorrow is great first thing. Thanks again and feel more relieved. Now, no more ER or Urgent care visits and we'll be good.

    Take care,

    stephanie-mom to 7

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