Eight O'Clock Coffee - one wonderful sip at a time

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member


    Just got my issue of Consumer Reports and my favorite brand made #1.

    No surprise, at least not for me.

    It was the only brand in my grandparent's house, and I can still see (and hear) my grandmother sipping her Eight O'Clock coffee from a saucer that she poured from her cup to cool it some.

    I love my coffee in a Your House coffee mug that I bought from a waitress many years ago.

    Here were the results:

    Very Good
    1. Eight O'Clock
    2. Caribou
    3. Kickapoo

    4. Starbucks
    5. Bucks County
    6. Archer Farms
    7. Gloria Jean's
    8. Chock full o'Nuts
    9. Peet's
    10. Maxwell House
    11. Folger's - Gourmet selection
    12. Millstone
    13. Folger's - Coffeehouse series

    Commercial - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYFiBveKxzI
  2. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Green Mountain is the best. 8oclock is crap quality wise despite the taste.

    Trust me on this....
  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    Seems to me like they did that comparison some time back. At that point, I stopped buying anything but 8 o clock. Coffee snob that I am, I buy it in beans, and grind as needed. You can get it for 4-5 bucks per bag...on sale...and when I find this, I get 5 or 6 at a time.

    Be safe out there....

  4. Tweetyluvzme

    Tweetyluvzme Well-Known Member

    Is 8oclock coffee decaf? For some reason I always thought it was. I will definately have to try it if it isnt decaf!!
  5. seabee

    seabee Guest

    no its not... don't recall but think they offer both.
  6. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Good morning, Hatt

    Just a sec...slurp....ahh....thank you, Lord!

    Had to take a sip of my Eight O'Clock coffee. :)

    I mentioned about my Grandmother sipping her coffee from a saucer. She also perked her coffee. Never used a drip. Old school.

    Have a great and blessed day, my friend.

    Gotta check on. Later.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2009
  7. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Here ya go: http://www.eightoclock.com/

    All their varieties. Enjoy.

    LADYLEO Active Member

    Ok I am gonna show my age here----does anyone remember the A&P grocery stores where you bought the Eight O'Clock coffee and they would grind it for you while you were checking out at the registers and you would tell them percolater etc. whatever your preference was? I do remember the percolater pots too with the little brew basket and you brewed your coffee on the stove. And yes I remember my grandmother doing the same thing with her coffee too, pouring some into the saucer to cool before she drank it. Oh the fond memories of childhood. It is just the little things that make you say humm. And Eight O'Clock Columbian is all you will find in my house except for my occassional foo foo coffees I like every now and then but Eight O'Clock rules the coffee pot, lol. Also if I remember correctly the red bag, Original, was all they sold back then.
  9. seabee

    seabee Guest

    As I replied earlier that came to my mind I was going to throw A&P out there but didn't. I remember those quite fondly...
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    We grind beans for each brew. And this old drip maker is wheezing and about to give up its ghost. I'm seriously thinking of going back to a percolator.

    And, LadyLeo, thanks for the stroll down memory lane. Momma used to send me to the A&P for fresh ground. I was all of 8 or 9, and had to ride my bike about 10-12 blocks, but you'd have thought I was taking an Indiana Jones adventure, because she made me feel important and responsible. Once I got back home, she'd perk a pot. She'd enjoy her first cup, dreamily sitting and sighing, and making me feel like I'd delivered a treasure. Such is the gift of Mothers, you know.

    Gotta go refill my cuppa Joe....

    Blessed day, everyone
  11. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Yep back when it was safe to ride around as you pleased at that age... not anymore thats for sure...
  12. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    What makes that anecdote funnier is all of Morehead City, at the time, consisted of a town smaller than Smithfield, and the downtown part is the size that Smithfield is now.

    Of course, we had community policing then, not from the LEOs, but from the community at large. If I was acting up (safe bet, there..LOL) and none of my relatives were there to perform a "tighten up" routine, neighbors would step up and take care of the task AT HAND. The only hope I had, post tighten up, was that Momma wouldn't hear about it. You have to realize that double jeopardy was some legal phrase that had no application in our home. Perhaps in the lofty halls of the Supreme Court, not in our house. Of course, that was when teachers and principals also applied corrective action for the inestimably rare occasions that a student made an unacceptable choice.

    I recently found a class picture from 4nd grade. I sent it out to our classmates to identify the few whom I could not recall. Within two responses, we had us all identified. Now, admittedly, we were pretty much the same kids from 1st thru 12th. And, picking out Ellis Jones was easy, as he was the only child of color, as we integrated in 3rd grade.

    Those memories......thanks guys, really. I have a bigger smile now than I had waking up.
  13. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  14. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Guilty, your Honor. And plead for mercy from the court.
  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Thats funny because Mom always knew when we were somewhere we shouldn't be or doing something we shouldn't of been. Heck they didn't have cell phones back then either or answering machines. She would get belt or wooden spoon whichever was closer with smile on her face and say she knows more than we think. LOL Then wack,wack,wack, get to your room till your father gets home and he will finish then you can come out. LOL All our whippings at home and cracks at school were deserved.
  16. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    You DID notice that I never claimed to be innocent of the "errors in judgment" that brought on the paddlings, whippings, etc..LOL

    Momma's weapon of choice was a fly swatter, using the wire end....OUCH....or a vacuum cleaner / electrical cord....although she was an improviser of the first sort. Once (and believe me - that was all it took for me to make a change in my lifestyle-) she utilized a hot wheels track to whail away. Looking back on it, in my mind's eye, I "see" her wielding that track like a Ninja warrior. Picture this...a huge female version (Momma was not where near petite) of Jet Li, opening a kung fu dance of whoop &ss, using my rear as her objective.

    My son, who is 22, never had a Hot Wheels track, although he asked for them as a kid, and finally gave up...and when I explained my bad memory association with Hot Wheels, he laughed and admitted that Granma had told him the story and that he played with them at friend's houses..just never admitting to me that he knew why I was so against having a Hot Wheels in the house...

    Good Times....now.....LOL
  17. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Yes, there were a few of us with fond memories of the Hot Wheels tracks! :evil:

  18. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    My wife--the family coffee drinker--prefers Dunkin Donuts over the others listed. However, she said she had never heard of Green Mountain.
  19. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    i used to work at a A & P in garner and they had the grounders for us to use what nice memorys always smelled soo good :)
  20. Aglassnut

    Aglassnut Well-Known Member

    I'm with your wife. I've been drinking Dunkin (or as I call it, Yankee Crack) for years.


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