Cough has lasted forever!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I have been following this Tread and I'm glad to hear that your doing much better now! :hurray::hurray:
  2. blackbearz

    blackbearz Well-Known Member

    I have never even heard of a nasal rinse. It is a nasal spray?
    I willing to try anything. what is the name brand of it.
  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what mine's called, the dr gave me a sample. But you can ask the pharmacist, there are a couple different ones you can try. It's not a's pretty gross actually. You fill a bottle with saline solution (salt water, basically), and squirt it up one side of your nose until it comes pouring out the other nostril. Very un-ladylike! But it works, and then you do the other side. As soon as you're done, you'll be amazed at how great you feel! The dr told me to wait about 20 minutes, and then do the nasal spray. I'm half asleep now, but I'll try to get the name off the bottle in the morning for you.
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a Netti pot - they have them at the drug stores.
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I love the saline irrigation!! I do it every morning in the shower!! too messy to do anywhere else!!
  6. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna need to get that today.

    I think I've now got bronchitis. :?
  7. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Oh, man, that's horrible! I've gotta say, my hubby has had sinus problems for years, and I've always watched him do these rinses and teased him. I know this is now my revenge! No, this isn't the netti pot, but think it's similar. He/I have never done the netti pot, but the pamphlet that came with my sinus rinse has an ad for the netti pot in it. The one the dr gave me says the brand name is Neil Med, not sure if they sell them over the counter or not? The brand name of hubby's is Ayr. He also told me that once he runs out of the solution, he just mixes salt with the water he puts in the bottle, since it's just salt water really, and it works just fine. Anyway, there you have it! I can't tell you how wonderful this stuff is working for me! I do it at night, not sure if it really matters, that's just when I take my other meds, so I do it all at the same time.
  8. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    you have the same one I have. Like I said, I do it in the shower, it's way less messy. And no one can see you being 'un-lady-like'. :mrgreen:
  9. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Yeah, shower's a great idea! I do it in the sink, but don't let anyone see me do it, believe me!! The dr asked me if hubby and I would be sharing the same sink, and I said there was no way we were rinsing our noses in the same sink!! :lol: This is too gross to talk about it, I can't come back to this thread anymore!! Actually, I'm taking off to go to the mountains in an hour anyway, so I'm outta here! Everyone have a great weekend, Harley, hope you get feeling better, Bearz, go get a nose rinse, and let me know how it works out for ya!
  10. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    TMI ladies. :jester:
  11. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I'm baaaack! Believe it or not, I'm still coughing, but waaaayyyy less than before! I just had to share my funny dr experience today and what I found out from the "vocal coach" at the ENT today. Yep, I had to sing for the doctor today, how many of you can say you've had to do that before? And my son was home sick today, so he was there and got to watch me, it was pretty funny. Apparently, I don't speak the way I'm supposed to, with enough air, and I'm putting a strain on my vocal chords, which is why I cough when I talk (refer back to my previous posts!) but not when I sing, like on the wii or in my car. (I'm always singing someplace, one of my favorite hobbies!) So I learned a lot today about myself, and I have to start speaking differently. Kind of hard to do after 33 years of doing it one way, but we'll see! Just thought I'd share that with y'all, I know how much you're all up at night worried about how I'm doing! :lol:

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