I have a pair with popsicles on them (not sure why I bought these) and a cute pair with rubber ducks on them. I love to wear them around the house and to bed. They ARE very comfortable.
My kids think I was obsessed w/ pjs back in Dec. I bought a ton of them when they were clearance for like $6. Comfy and cheap!
I don't have time to read through all of these pages, just checked in on my way back out to work, but my niece told me that students actually show up to some of her college classes wearing PJs :shock: Their parents would be so proud:neutral:
My husband says the same thing. He said he was tired of seeing me wear them. So for Christmas, I bought him a few pair just to be a smart arse. Can you imagine he wears them ALL the time while we are at home..........showed him!
If solid colored ones count, then I guess I'm a fashin faux pas! I will wear my plain black or grey ones with a sweatshirt or t-shirt. I have no problem with it, to me, mine look the same as some of the work out pants. Besides, I have more important stuff to worry about than what random people think of me in the grocery store. I have a son to raise, a home to keep, a man to please, school work to do and a life to live. My life has never and will never revolve around tags on the inside of clothes or what other people are wearing! K
Okay, I am going to stir the pot, again. How many of you think that it is OK to wear pajamas to a job interview? Why, or why not? Give this your best shot! Inquiring minds want to know.
dont have a problem with what others wear, some might think why get dolled up to go to a grocery store? to ech their own! The Only thing that I DON"T wish to see is people who wear clothing way to tight and stuff that doesn't cover up their blubber, I am overweight and I keep it under wraps no one I know of likes to see muffin tops, camel toes and flAB all sqeezing out from everywhere. ewwwwwwwwww . :ack: And sorry at a certain age you look foolish dressing like a teenager, when your over 40 dress with dignity please, you might have a great body but leave the hip hugger skin tight jeans and sexi little tops for the young. of course this is my opinon only sooooooooo have a great day
I missed this till CF just quoted it.... you are the sweetest thing ever mee-shell. I think you are beautiful inside and out too. :cheers: