This is all very depressing. I hate to see businesses dying like this. The people working there need their jobs too. I hope things pick up for everyone.
You want depressing, I am auditing an organization up in Georgetown, KY (Toyota Town) and while I am auditing they are laying off another 9 people. When I was here last October they had a few hundred people over two shifts now it looks like less than 100 on one shift.
I know for a fact that HH Gregg does not use licensed people to do their installations on appliances. I have paperwork from the NCDOL which they were fined for improper wiring of electrical appliances in customers homes. I would not deal with them.
Still some dirty snowbank left, but the rain should have it all gone by tomorrow! I think it hit the 60's today.
What are you talking about, I saw some sun yesterday. That makes maybe three days I have seen the sun in the last month! :evil:
Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings? Dang, how is The Donald going to make sure his stylist makes sure his comb over stays put? :jester: Sherry
Here's the first Sirius XM
Just flew out of there, Tornado warnings and sever Thunderstorms. I foolishly tried to refill the rental before leaving and all the rain was blowing horizontally!
Liberty Media deal staves off Sirius bankruptcy
All Virgin Megastores in US to close by summer Well to tell you the truth I didn't think we had enough virgins to support this venture anyways.