well of course that was the first thing DH taught the boys:lol::lol: j/k (but he did teach them how to pump a keg:lol:
it is funny, i always wished for a girl, but as a Mom, i could never have dreamed of anything better than 3 boys, they are my best friends and i know that no matter what happens, they will always be there for me even though i felt i made every mistake possibly as a Mom.
the Lord blessed me with boys and it is absolutly perfect and wonderful!!! i dont have to share anything with anyone!
Girl, you know I'd (her it comes, brace yo-self) WHOOP them everyday! Just incase they were being bad or even thought of it! :lol:
yeah you could until they hit about 11 or 12, then the rolling eyes crap and stupid drama crap would drive you crazy - boys are a lot less headache until they get older and want to chase tail and you spend every non working moment on ballfields but you do not have to deal with all the other crap until they find their wife, then it is tip toeing to keep the peace between two women that love the same man. Luckily, i have 3 great daughters by love even though i probably get on their nerves sometimes.